Phil Shao

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Phil Shao (December 28, 1973 - August 22, 1998) was a professional skateboarder from Redwood City, California. He was featured in many magazines including Thrasher Magazine, Skateboarder Magazine, TransWorld Skateboarding and many more. He had an English degree from the University of California, Berkeley. He appeared in about 17 skateboarding videos in his career. Phil's last video was "Dedications" from Think Skateboards, released shortly before his death.[1] Before his death, Phil was named the Editor of Thrasher Magazine.

On August 22, 1998, Phil Shao died in a car accident in Arcata, California.[2]

[edit] Phil Shao Memorial Skate Park

In the summer of 2003, Redwood City and a few of Phil's friends built a dedication park for Phil called the Phil Shao Memorial Skate Park. The park is a 13,000 skatepark with 5 bowls, rails, ledges and many more.

Thrasher Magazine rated the skate park an 8.5 – a great tribute to a park designed with help from the skaters of Redwood City!

[edit] References

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[edit] External links

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