Physical Review Letters

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Physical Review Letters
Discipline physics
Language English
Abbreviated title Phys. Rev. Lett.
Publisher (country) American Physical Society (U.S.A)
Publication history 1958 to present
ISSN 0031-9007 (Print)
1079-7114 (Online)

Physical Review Letters is one of the most prestigious journals in physics.[1] Since 1958, it has been published by the American Physical Society as an outgrowth of The Physical Review.

Physical Review Letters specializes in short articles called "letters", at most four or five pages long.

[edit] External link

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Johan Bollen, Marko A. Rodriguez and Herbert Van de Sompel (2006). "Journal Status" (PDF). arXiv:cs.DL/0601030v1, p.10. Retrieved on 2007-01-05.

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