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Philopoemen, hurt by David d'Angers, 1837, Louvre
Philopoemen, hurt by David d'Angers, 1837, Louvre

Philopoemen (in Greek, Φιλοποίμην, transliterated as Philopoimen), (253-184 BC), Greek general, was born at Megalopolis, and educated by the academic philosophers Ecdemus and Demophanes or Megalophanes, who had distinguished themselves as champions of freedom. Avoiding the fashionable and luxurious gymnasia, he devoted himself to military studies, hunting and border forays. In 232 BC Philopoemen skilfully evacuated Megalopolis before the attack of Cleomenes III, and distinguished himself at Sellasia (222 BC). The next eleven years he spent as a condottiere in Crete. Elected commander of the Achaean League cavalry on his return, he reorganized that force and defeated the Aetolians on the Elean frontier (210 BC). Appointed to the chief command two years later, he introduced heavy armour and close formation for the infantry, and with a well-trained army beat Machanidas of Sparta, near Mantinea. The new liberator was now so famous that Philip V of Macedon attempted to poison him. In 202 BC, Philopoemen drove Nabis, the Spartan tyrant, from Messene and routed him off Tegea. After another long sojourn in Crete he again received the command against Nabis. Though unsuccessful at sea, he almost annihilated Nabis's land force near Gythium, but was prevented by the Roman Flamininus from taking Sparta. In 190 BC, Philopoemen protected Sparta, which meanwhile had joined the League and thereupon seceded, but punished a renewed defection so cruelly as to draw the censure of Rome upon his country. At Messene he likewise checked a revolt (189 BC), but when that city again rebelled, in 184 BC, he was captured in a skirmish and promptly executed. His body was recovered by the Achaeans and buried with great solemnity.

Philopoemen's great merit lies in his having restored to his compatriots that military efficiency without which the Achaean League for all its skilful diplomacy could never stand. Towards Rome he advocated a courteous but independent attitude. In politics he was a democrat, and introduced reforms of a popular character.

Polybius Histories (x.xxiii.) are our chief authority. These and a special treatise on Philopoemen (now lost) were used by Plutarch (Philopoemen), Pausanias (viii. 49SI), Livy (xxxi.xxxviii.), and indirectly by Justin (xxx.xxxiv).

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Preceded by
Strategos of the Achaean League
209 BC208 BC
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Aristaenos of Megalopolis
Strategos of the Achaean League
193 BC192 BC
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Strategos of the Achaean League
191 BC186 BC
Succeeded by
Aristaenos of Megalopolis
Preceded by
Strategos of the Achaean League
183 BC182 BC
Succeeded by
Lykortas of Megalopolis

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Lysander and Sulla1Numa and Lycurgus1Pelopidas and Marcellus1Philopoemen and Flamininus1Phocion and Cato the Younger
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