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This is the user page of akendall. I am very interested in Wikipedia, and also like to contribute to Vicipaedia, the Latin version of Wikipedia, when I can. I'm a senior at the UO and Classics is one of my many side interests, taking second seat to my major, Accounting.
Feel free to email me or use my Talk page, I'd love to hear what you have to say about my articles and edits!
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music and life
This user identifies as gay. |
[edit] Favorite Quotes
"O tempora, o mores! Senatus haec intellegit, consul videt; hic tamen vivit, vivit?"
-M. Tullius Cicero, Oratio qua L. Catilinam emisit in Senatu habita, 1.2.
"Rage - Sing, goddess the rage of Peleus' son Achilles
Murderous, doomed, who cost the Achaeans countless losses,
Hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls
Great fighters' souls, and made their bodies carrion,
Feasts for the dogs and birds."
-Homer, The Iliad (Translation by Robert Fagles)
"Tum Romanus sinu ex toga facto, 'Hic,' inquit, 'vobis bellum et pacem portamus; utrum pacet sumite.' Sub hanc vocem haud minus ferociter, daret utrum vellet, succlamatum est; et cum is iterum sinu effuso bellum dare dixisset, accipere se omnes responderunt et quibus acciperent animis iisdem se gesturos."
"Fabius, in answer, laid his hand on the fold of his toga, where he had gathered it at the breast, and 'Here,' he said, 'we bring you peace and war. Take which you will.' Scarcely had he spoken, when the answer no less proudly rang out: 'Whichever you please - we do not care.' Fabius let the gathered folds fall, and cried: 'We give you war.' The Carthaginian senators replied, as one man: 'We accept it; and in the same spirit we will fight it to the end.'"
-Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita, Liber XXI.XVIII (Livy, A History of Rome, Book 21.18 - English Translation by Aubrey de Selincourt)
[edit] External Links
Vicipaedia - Wikipedia in Latin
My userpage - on Vicipaedia
Perseus Digital Library - Classics at Tufts University