Khitomer Accords
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In the Star Trek universe, the Khitomer Accords comprised a treaty set down between the Klingon Empire, the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Empire signed on the planet Khitomer in the year 2293. The accords were formulated after the destruction of the Klingon moon Praxis earlier that year, and whose key purpose was to aid the crippled Klingon Empire from impending planetary destruction.
Delegates to the Khitomer Conference, held on the Klingon planet Khitomer, included: Ambassador Curzon Dax, the Starfleet Commander in Chief (non-canonically named Smillie from the novelization of the film), Admiral Cartwright, and the President of the Federation (non-canonically named Ra-ghoratrei from the novelization); Ambassador Nanclus and Senator Pardek of Romulus; Ambassador Sarek, the Vulcan envoy to the Federation; Chancellor Azetbur of the Klingon Empire; and various delegates of other planetary nations.
The Khitomer Conference was almost sabotaged by the Klingon renegade General Chang, working in collusion with the Romulan ambassador, the Vulcan Valeris, and Starfleet officers Colonel West and Admiral Cartwright. A prototype Klingon Bird-of-prey, capable of firing photon torpedoes while cloaked, was developed and used by Chang to derail the talks. However, the Federation starships USS Enterprise-A and USS Excelsior destroyed the Bird-of-prey with Chang on board, and had the other conspirators arrested. (These events were depicted in the film Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.)
The Accords were overturned by Chancellor Gowron during the Klingon invasion of Cardassia in 2372, but were reinstated in 2373 when Cardassia joined the Dominion.
[edit] Second Khitomer Accords
At some point prior to 2375, a second agreement was signed at Khitomer banning the use of subspace weapons because of their inherent instability and adverse effects on the fabric of space itself. The Son'a apparently broke this accord in 2375, although it was not established that they were parties to it in the first place.
[edit] External link
- Khitomer Accords article at Memory Alpha, a Star Trek wiki.