от Уикипедия, свободната енциклопедия

George R. R. Martin, circa 1986
[edit] Documentation
From': Paweł 'Ausir' Dembowski
To: George R. R. Martin
I'm writing to ask you if you would mind one of the pictures of you from your website being used at Wikipedia? It would require it to be licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, which would allow it to be redistributed freely given that it's redistrebuted under the same license and that the copyright holder is credited.
From: George R. R. Martin
To: Paweł 'Ausir' Dembowski
Depends on which picture we're talking about, but in general it would probably be okay, provided the photographer's credit was preserved.
From: Paweł 'Ausir' Dembowski
To: George R. R. Martin
Would this picture [1] be ok? If so, could you tell me when and by whom it was taken?
From: George R. R. Martin
To: Paweł 'Ausir' Dembowski
Sure, that's fine. A lot younger than I am at present, admittedly, and with less grey in the hair, but there's nothing to say it was to be a current picture. Maybe you should slug it, "GRRM, circa 1986."
Don't recall who took that one, alas.
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