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Musaeus pe Musaios zo anv tri barzh eus Hellaz kozh.
- Ur beleg pe un diouganer e oa hervez ar vojenn, ha kontet da vezañ pe diskib pe mab da Orfeus, ha diazezer ar varzhoniezh relijiel en Atika. Hervez Pausanias an douraniour, evoe beziet e tosenn ar Museum, er gevred d'an Akropolis. Sevel a reas kanoù ha levrioù komz-plaen hag orakloù. Ar re-se a voe dastumet en amzer Peisistratus gant Onomacritus, a ouzhpennas displegadurioù. The mystic and oracular verses and customs of Attica, especially of Eleusis, are connected with his name (Herodotus vii. 6; viii. 96; ix. 43). A Titanomachia and Theogonia are also attributed to him by Gottfried Kinkel (Epicorum graecorum fragmenta, 1878).
Herodotus reports that, during the reign of Pisistratus at Athens, the scholar Onomacritus was charged with compiling the oracles of Musaeus, but that he inserted forgeries of his own devising, which were detected by Lasus of Hermione.
- An eil Musaeus a oa eus Ephesian, liammet ouzh lez rouanedPergamon, ha skrivañ a eure ur Perseis, and poems on Eumenes and Attalus I (Suidas s.v.).
- An trede Musaeus (a veze anvet Grammaticus en holl zornskridoù) n'ouzer ket gwall vat pegoulz e vevas, nemet kredién a reer peurvuiañ e oa e penn-kentaén ar VIvet kantved, dre ma skriv e doare Nonnus. He must have lived before Agathias (530-582) and has been identified with the friend of Procopius whose poem (340 hexameter lines) on the story of Hero ha Leandros is by far the most beautiful of the age (editions by Franz Passow, 1810; G. H. Schafer, 1825; C. Dilthey, 1874). The little love-poem Alpheus and Arethusa (Anthol. pal. ix. 362) is also ascribed to Musaeus.