Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
Následující informace pocházejí z Wikimedia Commons:
Deutsch: Flagge Algeriens
Español: La bandera de Argelia
Français : Le drapeau de l'Algérie
Bahasa Indonesia: Bendera Aljazair
Italiano: La bandiera algerina
日本語: アルジェリアの国旗
Nederlands: Vlag van Algerije
Polski: Flaga Algierii
Português: Bandeira da Argélia`
Walon : Drapea d' l' Aldjereye
Source: Drawn by User:SKopp
[edit] Dependent image
[edit] Licensing
This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status. |
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