Diskuse:Polské Slezsko
Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
There's no such thing as "Śląsk Dąbrowski" and there never was. The voivodship Silesia-Dąbrowa (województwo śląsko-dąbrowskie) consisted of two historical lands: (Upper) Silesia and Dąbrowa Land, so the name "śląsko-dąbrowskie" is somewhat similar to "Czecho-Slovakia".
"Śląsk Dąbrowski" is then as wrong as making "Slovak Czechia" from Czecho-Slovakia.
(To add some confusion, the Polish name "województwo śląskie" for the current voivodship is so wrong, but it's our stupid politicians' fault, not anyone else's. ;-))
(I understand Czech, but I'm unable to write correctly in your language, so this is why I wrote the above in English ;-))
See http://www.statoids.com/upl.html --Kirk 21:38, 20. 12. 2005 (UTC)