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Llongyfarchiadau gorau i dudalen BAUSNEI ar ei benblwydd. |
[golygu] Bausnei
The number of Bausnei is a multi-ambient experience by Fogiltedric Amarsawian and Ninka Bodruff. You enter the interactive Bausnei at the open start, and after progression arrive at the ultimate zone. Only with your full ability can it be put through to Upper Bausnei, when you are showered with skill. Before true Bausnei, you stand and say:
- Shnelenim nurnam da, enner stelly shnooren, est an dur camanastois.
This is interspersed by Bau, and with Snay or Snei, and it is then only a matter of time until Bausnei is ejected. But soon the handle must be turned, even if the flow rate is not being measured. For after waving the flag, there is a journey to be made, and work to be done.