Diskussion:Dækfrøede planter
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
This article is almost comparable to the APG II (2003) articles in the other wikipedia's ( ca, de, en, it, ms, nl, pt, sv & zh). But not quite. The biggest problem is the really weird 'taxobox' which is not at all compatible with APG II. A second is the title. Brya 23. sep 2006 kl. 15:48 (CEST)
- This article is not comparable to those you mentioned, but instead articles like en:Flowering plant. --Maitch 23. sep 2006 kl. 15:56 (CEST)
- Well, under this title I would indeed expect an article comparable to en:Flowering plant. However the present content is almost exclusively that found elsewhere under APG II system, with an additional paragraph copied from Angiosperm Phylogeny Group.
- Actually there is nothing of Flowering plant in the present article except the title? Brya 24. sep 2006 kl. 10:38 (CEST)