Formodet fortøjningshul
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Mange steder i Nordamerika fra Canada til Missouri er der (formodentlig) menneskelavede (fortøjnings)huller i granitsten.
De er nærmere betstemt fundet ved de store søer (Great Lakes, Great Plains) og i vestlige Minnesota (mange), North Dakota, nordøstlige South Dakota (f.eks. Whetstone Valley), Illinois; ved søer, floder og nu udtørrede vandveje. De er også fundet i Long Island Sound, North Carolina, Pelican River, Cormorant Lake. I Pope County er de fundet i op til ca. 400 meters højde, hvilket gør deres formål som fortøjningshul vanskelig her.
Hullerne er ikke cirkelrunde, men derimod en blanding af rund og trekantet og mellem 10-18 cm dybe og ca. 19-35 mm i diameter. Man ved ikke hvem der har lavet dem, men mange af dem er pænt forvitrede. Man formoder derfor, at de er flere hundrede år gamle.
I skandinavien kendes sådanne huller som fortøjningshuller til både og de er fundet i fjorde i Norge og ved vandveje i Sverige. Hullerne blev lavet med en jernmejsel.
[redigér] Kilder/referencer
- (…from Bulletin of The Massachusetts Archaeological Society Volume XIX (?) l958) "The Mooring Hole Problem in Long Island Sound" by Bernard W. Powell Citat: "...the possible occurrence of "mooring holes" along both shores of Long Island Sound...Along the shores of the fjords in Norway and in other waters of Scandinavia - are numerous large boulders and exposed rock ledges. In many of these are holes drilled to varying diameters and depths, and known to date from Viking times. They were made by Norse sailors for mooring their vessels...drilled at a slight angle past the vertical to slope away from the direction in which the rope...amazed at the relative speed with which one can sink a hole into rock with an iron chisel. This is not a tedious operation at all..."
- Science Frontiers ONLINE. No. 132: NOV-DEC 2000: The Viking Mooring-Stone Saga Sails On Citat: "...triangular holes...North Carolina...mooring stones have been found all the way from Canada south to Missouri. Most, however, are clustered in Minnesota..."
- Article 1: Triangular Holes In Boulders. Science Frontiers Online: Granite stone with triangular holes Citat: "...Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Illinois...All of them seem to be located on present-day lakes and rivers and now-dry waterways. This marine affinity has led to the theory that they are "mooring stones," especially Viking mooring stones! In truth their real purpose is unknown..."
- Mysterious Triangle Holes Found In Rocks By Brent Zell Watertown Public Opinion Citat: "...Whetstone Valley...The elevation of each rock is estimated to be between 1,150 feet to just over 1,200 feet. The rocks are usually deep in the ground and on the side of a hill - away from flat, farmable land. The holes themselves are not exact sizes, ranging from around 3/4 inch in diameter to 1 3/8 inches... there are hundreds of rocks with similar holes across the Great Plains...ancient Vikings made their way into what is now the Great Plains and set up settlements. They cut holes in rocks near waterways to establish poles in to tether their ships to... "There's not enough evidence to firmly sew down any theory," said Rudebusch...the holes definitely were not made naturally..."
- The Myth of the Mooring Stones Citat: "...Pelican River...odd-shaped triangular holes...pre-Columbian Viking exploration. There is a sword plowed up from virgin prairie near Ulen, a steel for striking fire from flint dug from a posthole near Climax, a battleaxe from a Red River mudbank..Cormorant Lake...that Vikings sailed long ships into Minnesota lakes is utterly preposterous...They would have been drilling their holes underwater!..."
- History of Todd County: Viking Alter Rock Citat: "...One of these finds is the Viking Altar Rock near Sauk Centre, Minnesota...This rock, 27 ft long by 17 ft wide...In the rock are two sets of roughly triangular holes..."
- Stadig kontroversiel: 6/30/02, Verified at Last. The Strange and Terrible Story of the Kensington Runestone Citat: "...The Kensington Runestone, thought for over 100 years to be a hoax, now stands verified as a genuine artifact commemorating the deaths of 10 medireview Scandinavians in Minnesota in the year 1362...triangular holes of the Whetstone Valley in South Dakota and many more in western Minnesota..."