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Halens længde: Forskellige kilder siger alt fra 10-12 eller 16-18 centimeter. Periode indtil de forlader hulen: Forskellige kilder siger 4-5 uger forlader de hulen eller to til tre måneder. Dansk navn på qualandere.
Blomstrom, David. 2000. "Sloth Bear" (On-line), Available http://www.geobop.com/Mammals/Carnivora/Ursidae/Ursus_ursinus/ . (October 30, 2001) Conover, Adele. January, 2000. Sloth bears: they eat ants, but take on tigers. Smithsonian 10:88-95. International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA). September 22, 1999. "Bear Species Descriptions" (On-line), Available http://www.bearbiology.com/specdesc.html . (October 30, 2001) Rajpurohit, K S and P R Krausman. Summer 2000. Human-sloth bear conflicts in Madhya Pradesh, India. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28(2):393-399. Sanderson, Ivan T. 1972. Living Mammals of the World. Doubleday & Company, Garden City, New York. Ward, Paul and Suzanne Kynaston. 1995. Bears of the World. Blandford, London. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/melursus/m._ursinus$narrative.html http://www.consbio.umn.edu/slothbear/ Anup Joshi, University of Minnesota. http://www.scz.org/animals/b/sbear.html Sedgwick County Zoo. http://www.tierenzyklopaedie.de/tiere/lippenbaer.html http://www.excite.sfu.ca/projects/exwork/best/bearden/sloth.htm http://www.zooreach.org/AnimalKingdom/SlothBear.htm