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Sonofusion eller boblefusion er en proces, hvor deuteriums atomkerner (tung brint) formodes at smelte sammen (fusionerer) ved høje temperaturer under sonoluminescens implosioner og danne nyt stof (helium eller tritium).
Rusi Taleyarkhan og hans gruppe har til en del eksperimenter anvendt deuteriumatomer bundet i tung acetone og benzen både i 2002 og 2005. [1] [2] [3]
De seneste analyser af Taleyarkhans gruppes eksperimenter og replikering af gruppens eksperimenter har ikke kunnet påvise sonofusion. [4] [5] Man har ikke kunnet kæde de målte neutroner sammen med forekomsten af sonoluminescens.
Det betyder dog ikke nødvendigvis, at det er umuligt at lave sonofusion, men det er ikke endnu lavet overbevisende i praksis.
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[redigér] Kilder/referencer
- ↑ R. P. Taleyarkhan, C. D. West, J. S. Cho, R. T. Lahey, Jr. R. Nigmatulin, and R. C. Block, Evidence for Nuclear Emissions During Acoustic Cavitation, Science 295, 1868 (2002). (available online)
- ↑ January 31, 2006, Sciencedaily: Using Sound Waves To Induce Nuclear Fusion With No External Neutron Source Citat: "...The experiment was specifically designed to address a fundamental research question, not to make a device that would be capable of producing energy, Block says...To verify the presence of fusion, the researchers used three independent neutron detectors and one gamma ray detector. All four detectors produced the same results: a statistically significant increase in the amount of nuclear emissions due to sonofusion when compared to background levels..."
- ↑ (Received 19 September 2005; published 27 January 2006), Physical Review Letters: Nuclear Emissions During Self-Nucleated Acoustic Cavitation Citat: "...Statistically significant nuclear emissions were observed for deuterated benzene and acetone mixtures but not for heavy water. The measured neutron energy was <=2.45 MeV, which is indicative of deuterium-deuterium (D-D) fusion. Neutron emission rates were in the range ~5×103 n/s to ~104 n/s and followed the inverse law dependence with distance..."
- ↑ March 8, 2006: Purdue probes 'cold fusion' fraud claim
- ↑ 8th-March-2006: Nature reveals serious doubts over claims for fusion in collapsing bubbles
Fusionsenergi |
Atomkerne | Nuklear fusion | Fusionsreaktor | Plasmafysik | Magnetohydrodynamik | Neutron flux |
Metoder til at fusionere nukleoner |
Magnetisk fastholdelse: Tokamak - Spheromak - Stellarator - Reversed field pinch - Field-Reversed Configuration - Levitated Dipole |
Fusionseksperimenter |
Magnetisk fasholdelses apparater Inertial fastholdelses apparater |
[redigér] Eksterne henvisninger
- 2004, CERN courier: Tabletop fusion claim is revisited Citat: "...claim that they had found evidence for neutron emission and tritium production in chilled, deuterated acetone when blasted with sound to produce sonoluminescence...This time the researchers report a "large and statistically significant" emission of neutrons...Control experiments using normal acetone did not result in significant tritium activity or in neutron or gamma-ray emissions. Now it remains to be seen how the physics community will respond to these results..."
- 2005-07-14, Sciencedaily: Purdue Findings Support Earlier Nuclear Fusion Experiments Citat: "...The experiments also yielded a radioactive material called tritium, which is another product of fusion..."
- 3 March 2005, PhysicsWeb: Bubbles feel the heat Citat: "...By analysing the light emitted from a single bubble, Suslick and Flannigan were able to measure the temperature at its surface. To their surprise, they found temperatures could reach as high as 20,000 K..."Our results are in such a different set of experimental parameters that they can neither confirm or deny Taleyarkhan’s claims to fusion," Suslick told PhysicsWeb. "A plasma is a prerequisite but certainly not a sufficient condition for fusion."..."