Diskussion:Aris Thessaloniki
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
warum ist das alles englisch? scheint mir nicht so gelungen fuer die deutsche wikipedia... --Florian G. 07:26, 20. Jul 2005 (CEST)
Der Text stammt offensichtlich von http://www.arisfc.gr/page.aspx?item=33 - ist also URV Krje 17:51, 15. Aug 2005 (CEST)
Ich hab den Absatz jetzt aus dem Artikel geloescht. Falls jemand uebersetzen mag, hier ist er: --Florian G. 14:50, 18. Aug 2005 (CEST)
[Bearbeiten] Entstehung des Vereins Aris Thessaloniki
In a café in the Votsi district on the 25th of March 1914, a company of 22 people decided to establish a club. The first dilemma they faced concerned its name. Its founders opted for a name that was divine, full of grandeur and majesty, a name that would inspire awe. Thus begun the history of ARIS, who soon begun to dominate football in Thessaloniki and became one of the most powerful football clubs in Greece. The actualization of this idea came 5 months later, in August 1914. The team soon became very popular in Thessaloniki, who saw in ARIS a powerful and healthy club that possessed all the qualities necessary to exploit the athletic ideal and promote, all around Greece, not only itself but Thessaloniki in general.
ARIS never ceased to be the true one and only king of Northern Greek. Imposing and powerful, he was always the Olympiad God of Greek football, a god whose temple, Charilaou, has the capacity for more than 20.000 worshipers.
The emblem of the team is the god of war resting, always on guard to fight if necessary. The colors of the team are yellow and black, reminiscent of Byzantium, where Thessaloniki has always been the second most important city of the Empire.
ARIS premiered on 25th of March 1914 and was destined to become one of the biggest and most historic teams of the country.
The date, 25th of March, the founders chose has a very special historic connotation for Greece and Orthodoxy as it is the date of the Greek revolution against the Turks. It inspired some of these courageous and visionary youngsters from the just liberated Thessaloniki, to make their very own personal “revolution”, to establish a team that would assume a leading role in Greek football, a team compatible with their own winning attitude, at an age when their blood was running “boiling hot in their veins”.
This fine founding company that was gathered together in a café in the Votsi district gave a name to its vision worthy of its own ideology and goals.
Thus became ARIS! With a name taken from Greek mythology, honoring the god of war, the new team begun its course in Greek football history.
The spark of the founders turned to fire and the fire to a burning inferno! ARIS became a club that wrote, and continues to write, its own distinct history, a club worshiped by thousands, making it something that exceeds mere club preference
[Bearbeiten] Aktueller Kader
Muss das alles in Großbuchstaben geschrieben sein? Vielleicht kann man ja zudem auch den einen oder anderen Spieler mit einem Wikilink versehen. --Hildegund 08:06, 13. Nov. 2006 (CET)
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