aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
noch zu übersetztender Text für den Bereich Geschichte:
In the context of Unix, the use of the ed line editor provided diff with the natural ability to create machine-usable "edit scripts". These edit scripts when saved to a file can, along with the original file, be reconsitituted by ed into the modified file in its entirety. This greatly reduced the space necessary to maintain multiple versions of a file. McIlroy considered writing a post-processor for diff where a variety of output formats could be designed and implemented, but he found it more frugal and simpler to have diff generate directly the syntax and reverse-order input accepted by the ed command.
Most all diff implementations remain outwardly unchanged since 1975 with but improvements to the core algorithm, the addition of useful features to the command, and the design of new output formats. Postprocessors sdiff and diffmk rendered side-by-side diff listings and applied change marks to printed documents, respectively, and were developed elsewhere in Bell Labs in or before 1981. The Berkeley distribution of Unix made a point of adding the context format (-C) and recursion on filesystem directory structures (-r). The GNU Project's diff application includes the unified context format and is combined in a package with other diff and patch related utilities.
In diff's early years, common uses included comparing changes in computer language source code, the source to technical documents, verifying program debugging output, comparing filesystem listings and computer assembly code. The output targeted for ed was purposely added to allow compression of a sequence of modifications to a file. Emerging in the late 1970s, the Source Code Control System (SCCS) was a direct consequence of this development. The context format of diff introduced at Berkeley helped in distributing patches that would be applied to code that possibly may have been modified. Paul Jensen, faced with consolidating changes from two branches of a program's source code tree proposed diff3, which persists for most as a curiosity, but is still useful to those finding themselves in Jensen's situation.
A conceptual predecessor of diff includes Project Xanadu, a hypertext project established in 1960 that had envisioned a version tracking system necessary for its "transpointing windows" feature. As part of this feature, file differences were subsumed in the expansive term "transclusion", when a document has included in it parts of other documents or revisions.
In the digital realm of the humanities, computer comparison systems were understood to have been created for working on literary works published in large volumes.
[Bearbeiten] Toter Link im Literaturnachweis erl.
Der Link im dritten Literaturnachweis ist tot.
- is raus greetz vanGore 01:22, 3. Mär 2006 (CET)
[Bearbeiten] Wikimedia
Hi allerseits,
Wikimedia verwendet doch auch diff, oder? Könnte/sollte man das mit einfügen? greetz vanGore 01:20, 3. Mär 2006 (CET)
- Eigentlich passte schon Subversion nicht rein - beides sind ja keine diff-Frontends... --Eike 12:24, 3. Mär 2006 (CET)
- Man könnte es, inklusive der Referenzen unter "Siehe auch" auf die anderen Architekturen und Werkzeuge die es verwenden, als Beispiele für den immensen Nutzen anführen. Man sollte dabei vllt. beachten, dass auch der Nutzen für den normalen User deutlich wird und dafür wäre Wikipedia evtl. als Beispiel geeignet.