aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
- Object: Electric multiple train units ER2K-604 and ER2-918 of Russian railways.
- Description: This picture of Electric multiple train units ER2K-604 (ÐÐ 2К-604, left) and ER2-918 (ÐÐ 2-918, right) was taken in the train station of "Kaliningrad-Severny" (Калининград-Северный, means Kaliningrad-North) in Kaliningrad. These units are used to move tourists from Kaliningrad to the seaside towns Zelenogradsk, Pionersk and Svetlogorsk.
To emphasise it's purpose, ER2K-604 unit is called Baltiysky Bereg (БалтийÑкий берег, meaning Baltical Coast). ER2K is in fact modernisation of the classical (green) ER-1 and ER-2 units.
- Author: photo taken by Volkov Vitaly w:ru:УчаÑтник:Kneiphof (Волков Виталий Сергеевич)
- Created: Photo taken in the summer of 2001
- Source: uploaded by author
- Licence: CC-BY
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