aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Description |
Blue Grosbeak, Guiraca caerulea, offset reproduction of watercolor
Source |
Birds of New York (New York State Museum. Memoir 12), Albany: University of the State of New York. Plates by Fuertes later reproduced in Birds of America (1917) by Thomas Gilbert Pearson (1873-1943) et al.
Date |
Author |
Elon Howard Eaton (1866-1935, author), Louis Agassiz Fuertes (artist, 1874-1927), see English Wikipedia article
Permission |
public domain--published in the United States pre-1923, also reproduction of art-work where artist died more than 70 years ago.
Other versions |
Image:AAP086CA.jpg |
[edit] Licensing
This image is in the public domain in the United States. In most cases, this means that its first publication was in the United States prior to January 1, 1923 or that its copyright expired in the United States. |
This image might not be in the public domain outside of the United States (this especially applies in Canada, China (not Macao or Taiwan), Germany or Switzerland). The creator and year of publication are essential information and must be provided. See Wikipedia:Public domain and Wikipedia:Copyrights for more details. |
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