aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
literature: ProFusion | ISI | ChemIDplus | subito | scirus | DBGET lit | iHOP | Factbites | WebLSD | GoPubMed | HUBMED | TextMed | EBIMed | Whatizit | BioMail | iProLink | KAT | MineBlast | SeqAnalRef |
genetic: GOLD | TIGR | JGI | VectorDB | ATCC Vectors | CodonUsage | RegulonDB | DPInteract | PRODORIC | BacTregulators | STRING | EcoCyc |
genomes: Paracoccus denitrificans | Pd@NCBI | Rhodobacter sphaerosides | Rs@NCBI | Rhodobacter capsulatus | Rc@Pedent | Roseobacter denitrificans |
structure: PDB | OCA | ModBase | HOMSTRAD | PDBTM | NDB | ExPDB | PDBsum | PDBreport | HeteroCompDB | DBGET pdb | HIC-Up |
structure: Membrane Protein Data Bank | PDB of TM | Orientations of Proteins in Membranes | Membrane Proteins of Known Structure | PDB At A Glance |
packages: NCBI | EMBL | ExPASy | SRS | EMBOSS | BIOwebPasteur | SMS | iMolTalk | BioinfoToolkit | WHAT IF | ProtScale |
codon usage: GCUA | CUA | SGD |
sequence analysis: Dotlet | SMS | WebLogo | GENIO/Logo | Rev-Compl | Restriction Mapper | SeqFacts |
BLAST search: WU-BLAST2 | NCBI-BLAST2 | NCBI-microbial | PDB BLAST |
sequence alignment: Pairwise Alignment | ClustalW | T-Coffee | MUSCLE | ScoreCons | 3DCoffee | Phylodendron |
primer design: PrimerGenerator | GeneFisher | CODEHOP |
promotor prediction: NNPP | VFP |
regulatory sequence prediction: RSAT | VFP |
signal sequence prediction: SignalP |
transmembrane prediction: ConPredII | TMHMM | DAS | TOPO2 | TMPred | SVMtm | SOSUI | HMMTOP | TAMP | HCA |
structure alignment: 3DCoffee | Comparer | CE | SALIGN | FATCAT | POSA | MASS | MultiProt | FUGUE | MATRAS | MAMMOTH | K2 | SAS | MetaServer | [1] | [2] |
structure folding: PHYRE |
structure modeling: FUGUE | ModWeb | MODELLER | SWISS-MODEL | 3D-JIGSAW |
structure validation: WhatIf | Procheck | Errat | Eval123D | STRIDE | RamPage | Sting | ProFit |
structure tools: GeneSilico | JOY | StrucTools | WebMol | PDBTM | atm2seq | SuperPose | ConSurf | combosa3D | TMDET |
structure visualisation: VMD | PyMol | BALLview | Chimera | Morph Server | trajectory | pdb2mgif | pdbcartoon |