aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Description |
en: Indian on horseback. Watercolor by Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied 1833 or 1834.
de:Reitender Indianer. Aquarell von Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied 1833 oder 1834.
Source |
Inc and watercolor on paper: Indian on horseback by Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied from his travel to the United States 1832-1834. Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha NE. Gift of the Enron Art Foundation.
Date |
created: 1833 or 1834.
Author |
Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied (* 1782; † 1867)
Permission |
Reproduction of an watercolor that is in the public domain because of its age.
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