Benutzer:Kjetil r
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Handle so, dass du die Menschheit sowohl in deiner Person, als in der Person eines jeden anderen jederzeit zugleich als Zweck, niemals bloß als Mittel brauchst – Immanuel Kant, Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, 1785 One who lacks a sense of justice lacks certain fundamental attitudes and capacities included under the notion of humanity. Now the moral feelings are admittedly unpleasant, in some extended sense of unpleasant; but there is no way for us to avoid a liability to them without disfiguring ourselves. This liability is the price of love and trust, of friendship and affection, and of devotion to institutions and traditions from which we have benefited and which serve the general interests of mankind ... by understanding what it would be like not to have a sense of justice – that it would be to lack part of our humanity too – we are led to accept our having this sense – John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, 1971 |