Benutzer:Lechhansl/Libanonkrieg 2006/DEW
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[Bearbeiten] Direct Energy Weapons / Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser
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"...Neue und seltsame Symptome bei den Verwundeten und Toten werden berichtet: Körper mit abgestorbenem Gewebe, aber ohne sichtbare Wunden; ”eingeschrumpfte”Leichen; Zivilpersonen mit schweren Schäden an den unteren Gliedmassen, die Amputationen erforderlich machen; wobei nach der Amputation die Nekrose (Absterben des Gewebes) trotzdem unaufhaltsam fortschreitet und schliesslich zum Tode führt; Beschreibungen von ausgedehnten inneren Verletzungen ohne sichtbare Zeichen von Splittern, geschwärzte Leichen, die aber nicht verbrannt sind, und andere Leichen, die schwere Wunden aufweisen, die aber nicht bluten. Viele dieser Beschreibungen legen die Vermutung nahe, dass zu den verwendeten neuen Waffen auch ”Directed Energy”-Weapons (DEW) (Waffen mit gerichteter Energie) gehören sowie chemische und/oder biologische Wirkstoffe und dass es sich um eine makabre Art von Experiment für die zukünftige Kriegsführung handelt..." Prof. Dr. PAOLA MANDUCA: Israel setzt doch neue, unbekannte Waffen ein[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
"...Andere unkonventionelle Waffen, die Israel entwickelt hat, wurden in diesem letzten Konflikt vielleicht verwendet, einschliesslich des MTHEL (Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser) und der Carpet Launcher für Angriffe mit Benzin-Luft-Gemisch oder Chemikalien. Beides sind bodengestützte Systeme..."[8]
"...Eine Alternative kommt ebenfalls aus den USA: Ein futuristisches Monstrum namens THEL, kurz für "Tactical High Energy Laser". Das von Northrop Grumman entwickelte System hat in Tests dutzendweise Katjuschas und selbst Artilleriegeschosse vom Himmel geholt, auch wenn sie in Salven anflogen. Der Nachteil: Um seine gewaltige Leistung zu erzeugen, verbraucht der Laser riesige Mengen hochgiftiger Chemikalien und muss nach ein paar Schuss nachgeladen werden. Keine guten Voraussetzungen für einen Einsatz in Städten. Ausgerechnet vergangenen Mittwoch stellte Alexis Livanos, Präsident von Northrop Grumman Space Technology, eine kompakte, mobile Version des Infrarot-Lasers namens "Skyguard" vor...[9]
"...The MTHEL is being designed to protect soldiers from artillery and mortar rounds and rockets. the laser system can be packed into about three tractor-trailer loads, he said. The next phase will shrink it to less than one load. Ultimately, it will be small enough to mount on a Humvee..."[10]
"...Energiewaffen werden neben dem militärischen Einsatz auch für den Bereich der nicht-tödlicher Waffen propagiert. Obwohl es Überschneidungen gibt, können die beiden Begriffe nicht einfach gleichgesetzt werden, da Directed Energy Weapons oft nur aufgrund einer bewusst kurzen Impulszeit oder reduzierter Strahlung eine nicht-tödliche Wirkung haben. Gezielt und von ihrer eigentlichen Einsatzdoktrin abweichend gegen Menschen oder Fahrzeuge eingesetzt, können sie zu Verletzungen oder zum Tod führen..."(Energiewaffe)
"...Recent reports attributed to the US Defense Intelligence Agency also indicate that Israeli Aircraft Industries may have transferred key high-energy laser technologies to China. The technology in question was originally provided by US firms (the TRW Space and Electronics Group, Ball Aerospace and Technology and Contraves Brashear Systems) for Israel's 'Tactical High Energy Laser Programme' or 'Nautilus Programme,' which was intended to provide a local defence against mortar, artillery and short-range rocket attacks. Chinese technicians were apparently observed working with an Israeli firm involved with the project but allegations of collusion have been denied by the Israelis. The Israeli programme has recently moved towards deployment along the border with Lebanon. Current generation multifunction optical sensor technology has also reportedly been transferred to Chinese firms by Tadiran Ltd. of Holon, Israel..." DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS AND SENSORS
"...The requirements for the [Tactical High Energy Laser] THEL are driven primarily by Israel, which has an urgent need to protect civilians on its northern borders against terrorist rocket attacks. The Katyusha rockets they face have little or no guidance and are not lethal enough to defeat Israel militarily, but they have been used successfully by terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, operating mainly out of Lebanon to cause terror among the Israeli population. The THEL program stems in part from a commitment from former President Clinton and Secretary of Defense Perry to then Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres in April 1996 to assist Israel in the development of a defensive capability against rocket attacks. The U.S. requirement is for a weapon system capable of protecting soldiers and military assets involved in regional conflicts against short-range rocket attacks.31 The United States has invested about $170 million into the THEL program, matched by $80 million from Israel, although the development is solely under U.S. control.32 A mobile version of the THEL is a follow-on to the THEL system which shot down 23 Katyusha rockets.33 The mobile THEL is supposed to be 5-10 times smaller than the current system, with the possibility that Israel will opt for a larger system with the U.S. Army opting for a smaller one with less power. The goal is for the Mobile THEL (MTHEL) to be deployable by a C-130 and consist of three vehicles. The current THEL mounted at White Sands Missile Range is 80’ x 80’ on a concrete pad. In the mobile system, the laser would be based on one vehicle, the fire control radar on another, and the laser fuel on a third.34..."[11]
"...Unfortunately, DEWs need huge amounts of power, so they aren’t very mobile. That’s a key reason the U.S. pulled the plug on THEL, which had been a joint U.S.-Israeli project. This is the moment where need and opportunity intersect. Israel needs weapons that can defend its civilians from terrorist shells and rockets, and DEWs can do that. At the same time, the United States needs to test new weapons systems under real-world conditions. Putting a system in the field now will help Israel and provide invaluable operational experience on how to use and further improve these systems. For the U.S. to retain battlefield dominance, we must develop and deploy the next generation of weapons -- before our enemies can. Congress should swiftly provide emergency supplemental funding to rush THEL into production, and the administration should direct the Army to accelerate the program as rapidly as possible. It should prove a great leap forward for defensive fighting -- and human creativity..." FoxNews: The Next Generation of Weapons
"... Reports from MDs treating the wounded describing new kinds of wounds never seen before which may be laser weapons. The US has them (classified) on the ABRAMS tanks. There were certainly Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) used by Israel because shrunken bodies and other types of indicators were reported by Lebanese MDs, [...] descriptions exactly like wounds etc. reported in Baghdad at the airport in 2003 and since: ..." HRIMC:WEAPONS USED, TARGETS HIT, BOMBING INTENSITY IN LEBANON BY THE ISRAELI MILITARY[12][13]
"...Surgeons in Lebanon have also claimed that new and more injurious weapons have been used. Like their colleagues in Gaza, they are sadly familiar with the effects of modern weaponry on the human body and they are also working in extremely difficult conditions. Substance is given to these claims by a press statement issued by the Chief Israeli Military Censor, Colonel Sima Vaknin-Gil on the 23th of July. Under 'General Guidelines' paragraph 6 he says:- 'There is a special emphasis on matters regarding the activity of special forces and the use of unique kinds of ammunition and weaponry'.[14][15]
"...This type of ray is aimed at the human target. When the person is hit, the nerve ends under his skin are affected leading to paralyzis of the nervous system. Moreover, the micor-wave raise the body temperature through heating the water in the cells. Used on live peopel, it's exactly the same process as the the home used microwaves! The report (that is now being investigated by the Strategic Research Institute in California), a private independent research center, explains that these types of weapons causes the disassembling of the target body parts and the appearance of what looks like burns in different parts of their bodies, while doctors could not find any solid parts of bombs. Bret Wagner, the head of the Research Insitutute has called this weapon the Death Ray. Wagner also points in a published article that: "this weapon works in the speed of light and is able to hit targets from very long distance and expose lives to the microwaves that leads to its explosion.." This would explain the great damage that doctors have witnessed in examining the corpses..." [16]
"...The censorship does not approve any verbal information or visual photography that attest to:[...]9. The type of force, the forces' special abilities and warfare equipment..."[17]
In Reminiszenz an im Zuge der Erstellung dieses Artikels bereits erlebte kontroverse Diskussionen nebst "edit-wars" stelle ich obiges Material hier erst einmal zur Diskussion, verbunden mit der Frage, inwieweit bei der derzeitigen Daten- und Quellenlage die Erstellung eines Absatzes "DEW" bzw. "MTHEL" im Abschnitt "Mögliche Kriegsverbrechen" denkbar bzw. sinnvoll wäre. Mir ist klar, dass auch hier manche Quellen als "nicht reputabel" bezeichnet werden dürften - dennoch: die Hinweise verdichten sich - ähnlich wie bei den Streu- und Phosphorbomben. Und den FoxNews-Artikel finde ich in diesem Zusammenhang besonders interessant, da er zumindest eine deutliche Absichtserklärung beinhaltet...--Lechhansl 22:58, 12. Jan. 2007 (CET)