Bild:Louis Moreau Gottschalk - Brady-Handy.jpg
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[edit] Summary
Description |
Louis Moreau Gottschalk. Library of Congress description: "Louis M. Gottschalk". |
Source | Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Brady-Handy Photograph Collection. CALL NUMBER: LC-BH82- 5324 A
[P&P] |
Date |
between 1855 and 1865 |
Author |
Permission |
PD |
Deutsch: Louis Moreau Gottschalk (* 8. Mai 1829 in New Orleans, Louisiana; † 18. Dezember 1869 Tijuca, Brasilien) war ein US-amerikanischer Pianist und Komponist.
English: Louis Moreau Gottschalk ( May 8, 1829 – December 18, 1869) was an American composer and pianist, best known as a virtuoso performer of his own romantic piano pieces. Although he is regarded as an American composer and musician, he spent most of his working career outside of the United States.
Suomi: Louis Moreau Gottschalk ( 8. toukokuuta 1829–18. joulukuuta 1869) oli yhdysvaltalainen pianisti ja säveltäjä. Hän syntyi New Orleansissa, Louisianassa, mutta vietti suuren osan ammattiurastaan kotimaansa ulkopuolella.
Français : Gottschalk, Louis Moreau
日本語: ルイス・モロー・ゴ[ッ]チョーク(またはガ[ッ]チョーク、ゴットシャルクとも、Louis Moreau Gottschalk, 1829年5月8日ニューオーリンズ - 1869年12月18日リオ・デ・ジャネイロ)はアメリカ合衆国の作曲家・ピアニスト。超絶技巧を凝らしたピアノ曲が有名。
Português: Louis Moreau Gottschalk ( New Orleans, 8 de maio de 1829 - Rio de Janeiro, 18 de dezembro de 1869) foi um pianista e compositor norte-americano. Compôs, entre outras, a "Grande Fantasia Triunfal Sobre o Hino Nacional Brasileiro".
Svenska: Louis Moreau Gottschalk, född 8 maj 1829 i New Orleans, död 18 december 1869 i Rio de Janeiro, var en amerikansk pianist och tonsättare. Han har studerat i Paris och efter studietiden rest med konsertturnéer i Frankrike, Schweiz och Spanien. Bland annat Chopin har uttryckt sig mycket positivt om Gottschalks pianobegåvning. 1853 återvände han till USA. Gottschalk har komponerat operor, kantater och programsymfonier, bland annat "La nuit des tropiques" (Symphonie romantique)/"A Night in the Tropics" och "Montevideo" (symphonie romantique pur grand orchestre)/"To Montevideo", samt ett stort antal salongstycken för piano i latinsk/spansk stil. Programsymfonin Montevideo, som inte har form av en klassisk symfoni, innehåller arrangemang av Uruguays nationalsång, Hail Columbia och Yankee Doodle.
(This summary was created using Commons SumItUp)
[edit] Licensing
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This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because its copyright has expired. This applies to the United States, Canada, the European Union and those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 70 years. العربية ǀ Български ǀ Català ǀ Česky ǀ Dansk ǀ Deutsch ǀ English ǀ Ελληνικά ǀ Esperanto ǀ Español ǀ Euskara ǀ فارسی ǀ Français ǀ Galego ǀ עברית ǀ हिन्दी ǀ Bahasa Indonesia ǀ Italiano ǀ 日本語 ǀ 한국어 ǀ Kurdî / كوردي ǀ Nederlands ǀ Norsk (nynorsk) ǀ Bahasa Melayu ǀ Polski ǀ Português ǀ Русский ǀ Slovenščina ǀ Shqip ǀ Suomi ǀ Svenska ǀ Türkçe ǀ 简体中文 ǀ 正體中文 ǀ +/- |
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This image is available from the United States Library of Congress Prints and Pictures division under the digital ID cwpbh.02956 This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information. |
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