aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Straßenzene um 1890
Mexico City view, c. 1890
Scanned from A Photographic Trip Around the World, John W. Illiff & Co., Chicago, 1892. Copyright expired.
Original caption:
STREET SCENE, CITY OF MEXICO, MEXICO. -- Perhaps the streets of no other city present so diversified a picture as those of the city of Mexico. Every variety of costume, civil and religious, Indian and European, of the city and country, is intermingled in the crowd. The native Mexicans, men and women, are easily distinguished by their garments, which are of the lightest description. The streets, in the early morning, are overrun with peddlers, whose cries are peculiarly discordant. In the afternoon the fashionables resort to the parks, which are in the best part of the city. The avenue in the photograph represents one of the most fashionable throughfares.
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