aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
About war see here: en:Caucasian War. 18:02, 29. Okt. 2006 (CET) (commons:User:Serguei S. Dukachev)
Thank you for comment and russian article too. I didn't knew about "Sail Rock" before :-) As far as I know is there no extra german notion for war between Russia and the and Ottoman Empire for the period from 1813 to 1864. I only know the notion "Krimkrieg" for 1853-1856 and "Balkankrieg" for 1877-78. But I am not a historian. I didn't found a correct translation for "Caucasian War" and the current link "Türkenkriege" seems to be the most suitable. Greetings -- ossipro 22:32, 29. Okt. 2006 (CET)