aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Percy ist
- Australien
- Percy Islands (Australien), Queensland
- Frankreich
- Kanada:
- Percy Lake (Ontario), Ontario
- Percy (Illinois), Randolph County, Illinois
- Point Percy (Alaska), Kap in Alaska, Wales-Outer Ketchikan
- Percy Islands (Alaska), Alaska, Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan
- Percy Peaks, Coos County, New Hampshire
- Charles H. Percy (*1919), Geschäftsmann, Diplomat, Politiker, Senator Illinois (1967–1985)
- George Percy (1586–1631), englischer Entdecker und Autor, Gouverneur von Virginia
- Hugh Earl Percy, (1742–1817), Duke of Northumberland, Amerikanischer Revolutionskrieg
- James Gilbert Percy, US-Pilot, U.S. Marine Corps, Guadalcanal
- Le Roy Percy (1860–1929), Jurist, Politiker Senator Mississippi-D (1910–1913)
- Thomas Percy (1729–1811), Englischer Dichter Bischof von Dromore, Herausgeber des Tatler, Guardian, Spectator
- Thomas Percy (Verschwörer) (ca 1560–1605), Engländer, Pulververschwörung
- Walker Percy (1916–1990), US_Schriftsteller, Cousin von William Alexander Percy
- William Percy (Kleriker) (1744–1819), Engländer
- William Alexander Percy (1885–1942), US-Dichter, Schriftsteller, Cousin vonWalker Percy
- Adelsfamilie
- Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland (1341–1408) (forfeit 1405)
- Sir Henry Percy, auch Heinrich Heißsporn genannt
- Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland (1394–1455)
- Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland (1421–1461) (forfeit 1461)
- Henry Percy, 4th Earl of Northumberland (1449–1489) (restored 1470)
- Henry Algernon Percy, 5th Earl of Northumberland (1478–1527)
- Henry Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland (1502–1537)
- Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland (1528–1572) (forfeit 1571; restored 1572)
- Henry Percy, 2nd/8th Earl of Northumberland (1532–1585)
- Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland (1564–1632)
- Algernon Percy, 10th Earl of Northumberland (1602–1668)
- Joceline Percy, 11th Earl of Northumberland (1644–1670)
- Hugh Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland (1714–1786) (became Duke of Northumberland in 1766)
- Hugh Percy, 1st Duke of Northumberland (1714–1786)
- Hugh Percy, 2nd Duke of Northumberland (1742–1817)
- Hugh Percy, 3rd Duke of Northumberland (1785–1847)
- Algernon Percy, 4th Duke of Northumberland (1792–1865)
- George Percy, 5th Duke of Northumberland (1778–1867)
- Algernon George Percy, 6th Duke of Northumberland (1810–1899)
- Henry George Percy, 7th Duke of Northumberland (1846–1918)
- Alan Ian Percy, 8th Duke of Northumberland (1880–1930)
- Henry George Alan Percy, 9th Duke of Northumberland (1912–1940)
- Hugh Algernon Percy, 10th Duke of Northumberland (1914–1988)
- Henry Alan Walter Richard Percy, 11th Duke of Northumberland (1953–1995)
- Ralph George Algernon Percy, 12th Duke of Northumberland (b. 1956)
- George Dominic Percy, Earl Percy (b. May 4 1984)
- Percy (Film) 1971 Britische Komödie
- HIA Percy, Militärkrankenhaus Frankreich
- Percy Drayton (1863–1865),
- The Percy Folio, Sammlung englischer Balladen
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