aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Dieses Bild zeigt den Ablauf des Floodfill-Algorithmus mit acht Richtungen.
- Generiert von André Karwath aka Aka
- Datum 27.12.2005
Recursive Flood Fill
This image shows the running recursive flood fill algorithm with eight directions.
- Creator André Karwath aka Aka
- Date 2005-12-27
This animation has been generated using the following Perl function:
sub FloodFill8
my ($x, $y) = @_;
if ($im->getPixel ($x, $y) == $colfill)
$im->setPixel ($x, $y, $colpen);
WriteImage ();
FloodFill8 ($x, $y+1);
FloodFill8 ($x, $y-1);
FloodFill8 ($x+1, $y);
FloodFill8 ($x-1, $y);
FloodFill8 ($x+1, $y+1);
FloodFill8 ($x+1, $y-1);
FloodFill8 ($x-1, $y+1);
FloodFill8 ($x-1, $y-1);
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