Από τη Βικιπαίδεια, την ελεύθερη εγκυκλοπαίδεια
[edit] Summary
Español: Phya Khrut o Garuda Real, emblema del monarca tailandés.
This is not the coat of arms of Thailand. The real Thai Coat of Arms (Tra Khrut) should have sharp wing tips - the wingtips of this image are blunt. The real Khrut should have 7 external wing-tips per side - there are 9 wingtips in this image. The real Khrut should be wearing wearing what looks like a high belt which connects to its necklace - the one in this image is only wearing a necklace. The fingertips of the real Khrut should be pointed directly at the apex of its Monthien (hat) at 45 and 225 degree angles - the one in this image has fingers that are horizontal. The tail design is distinctly different.
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