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1-Click, also called one-click or one-click buying allows customers to make online purchases with a single click. More particularly, it allows an online shopper using an internet marketplace to purchase an item without having to use shopping cart software. Instead of manually inputting billing and shipping information for a purchase, a user can use one-click buying to use a predefined address and credit card number to purchase one or more items. It is used by many e-commerce stores.
The process of One-click buying has been patented by Amazon.com (U.S. Patent 5960411 ). On May 12, 2006, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) ordered a reexamination [1] of the "One-Click" patent, based on a request filed by Peter Calveley. [2] Calveley cited as prior art an earlier e-commerce patent and the Digicash electronic cash system.