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[edit] Events
- Final issue of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Magazine published.
- First issue of Conjunctions literary journal published.
- This year, "the word 'Martianism' came into use, through the verse of Craig Raine and his associates, presenting a vision of life on Earth as seen by a visiting Martian," the 1982 Britannica Book of the Year reported (page 504). Some noted that "Martianism" is an anagram for one of Raine's associates, Martin Amis.
[edit] Works published
[edit] English language
[edit] Canada
- Margaret Atwood, True Stories
- Louis Dudek, Cross-Section: Poems 1940-80
- Gwen Hauser, Gophers and Swans
- P.K. Page, Evening Dance of the Grey Flies
- Stephen Scobie, A Grand Memory For Forgetting
- Stephen Scobie and Douglas Barbour:
- The Pirates of Pen's Chance: Homolinguistic Translations
- The Maple Laugh Forever: An Anthology of Canadian Comic Poetry
- F.R. Scott, The Collected Poems of F.R. Scott
- Raymond Souster, Collected Poems of Raymond Souster, Volume Two, 1955-62
[edit] United Kingdom
[edit] United States
- A.R. Ammons, A Coast of Trees
- John Ashbery, Shadow Train
- Ted Berrigan, In a Blue River
- Gwendolyn Brooks:
- Gregory Corso, Herald of the Autochthonic Spirit, his first collection in 11 years
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Endless Life: Selected Poems
- Philip Levine, One for the Rose
- Michael Ryan, In Winter (Holt)
- Sylvia Plath, The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, editor, containing 224 poems in chronological order (posthumous)
- Marie Ponsot, Admit Impediment
- Gilbert Sorrentino, Selected Poems 1958-1980
- Gerald Stern, The Red Coal
- Richard L. Tierney, Collected Poems
- Michael Van Walleghen, More Trouble With the Obvious
- David Wagoner, One for the Rose
- Rosmarie Waldrop, Nothing Has Changed (Awede Press)
- Robert Penn Warren, Rumor Verified: Poems 1979-1980
[edit] French language
[edit] France
- Alain Bosquet:
- Poèmes, deux
- Sonnets pour une fin de siècle
- Jean Cayrol, Poésie-Journal
[edit] Hebrew
- A. Hillel, Devareiy
- Gavriel Preil, a new collection[1]
- Avot Yeshurun, a new collection[1]
- S. Shalom, a new collection[1]
- Yehuda Amichai, Shalva gedola, she'elot uteshuvot
- Robert Whitehill, a "new poet"[1]
- Peretz Banai, a "new poet"[1]
- Esther Ettinger, a "new poet"[1]
- Yosef Yehezkel, a "new poet"[1]
- Aharon Shabtai, a new collection[1]
- Mordecai Geldman, a new collection[1]
- Hannah Barzilai, a new collection[1]
- Batsheva Sharif, a new collection[1]
- Michael Senunit, a new collection[1]
- Menachem Ben, a new collection[1]
[edit] Italian
[edit] Portuguese language
- Herberto Helder, Poesia Toda
- A. Pinheiro Torre, O Ressentimento dum Ocidental
[edit] Spanish language
- Antonio Abad, Misericor de mí
- Matilde Camus:
- He seguido tus huellas ("I have followed your footprints")
- Testigo de tu marcha ("Witness of your departure")
- Concha Lagos, Teoría de la inseguridad
- Vincente Presa, Teoría de los límites
- Pablo Virumbrales, Cancionero del vaso
[edit] Yiddish
- About poetry and poets
- Itskhak Janoswicz, Avrom Sutzkever, His Poetry and Prose
- The Lexicon of Modern Yiddish Literature, the eighth and final volume
- Khaim Leyb Fuks, Biographical Dictionary of Hebrew and Yiddish Writers in Canada
[edit] Nordic
[edit] Awards and honors
[edit] Deaths
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Britannica Book of the Year 1982, published by Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 1982, "Literature" section, "Jewish" subsection, page 518; the article does not specify the names of all works, or, in the case of "new poets" whether a work was even written or whether the poet was just published in a periodical; perhaps this information can be added from other sources
- Britannica Book of the Year 1982 ("for events of 1981"), published by Encyclopaedia Britannica 1982 (source of many items in "Works published" section and rarely in other sections)
[edit] See also