29th Infantry Division (Germany)
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Created as the 29th Infantry Division in the fall of 1936, and upgraded to 29th Motorized Infantry Division in the fall of 1937. It was mobilized in August 1939 for the invasion of Poland. In early 1943 the division was lost in the Battle of Stalingrad, and then reconstituted in France in the early spring from the recently formed 345th Infantry Division. It was transferred to the Sicilian Campaign as the 29th Panzergrenadier Division for sometime in the defence of the Northern Route to Messina. Thereafter it fought in Italy at Salerno and Anzio, and was destroyed by the British in northern Italy just before the end of the war.
[edit] See also
- Panzergrenadier
- Division (military), Military unit, List of German divisions in WWII
- Heer, Wehrmacht
[edit] References
- Wendel, Marcus (2004). "29. Infanterie-Division (mot)". Retrieved April 10, 2005.
- Wendel, Marcus (2004). "29. Panzergrenadier-Division". Retrieved April 10, 2005.
- 29. Infanteriedivision". German language article at www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de, with photo. (Follow links to cover the division's entire history.) Retrieved April 10, 2005.