Abdul Karim
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Hafiz Abdul Karim CIE (1863?-1909), better known as "the Munshi" (variously translated as "teacher" or "clerk" in Hindi), was an Indian servant of Queen Victoria who gained her affection in the final fifteen years of her reign.
The Munshi was one of two Indian servants brought over to mark Victoria's Golden Jubilee in 1887. The Munshi was initially a dining room waiter. The Queen took a great liking to him, and, after he supposedly alleged that he had been a clerk at home and thus menial work as a waiter was beneath him,[1] he was soon promoted to the unique rank of "the Queen's Munshi"--he gave her Hindustani and Urdu language lessons,[2] and taught her of Indian customs. In later years, he became first Personal Indian Clerk to the Queen, and later her Indian Secretary (not to be confused with the Cabinet office of Secretary of State for India).
There can be little doubt that the Munshi took advantage of his position as the Queen's favorite, causing resentment from the court.[3] He brought his wife and other family members from India to Britain, where they were settled at Royal expense. He exaggerated his origins, saying that his father was a doctor in the Indian Army, when he was in fact a native healer to the jail at Agra. When confronted with this, the Queen defended her favorite. Victoria's advisors also feared his association with Rafiuddin Ahmed, an Indian politician resident in London and candidate for Parliament, fearing that Ahmed would extract confidential information from the Munshi.[4] There is no indication that their fears were realized, or that the Munshi was ever indiscreet. (even after Victoria's death, for he burned or surrendered their correspondence)
The Queen showered him with honors, including making him a Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire.[5] She awarded him land in Agra[6] and lodged him and his family in cottages at Balmoral, Windsor and Osborne House.
After the Queen's death, her son, King Edward VII dismissed the Munshi and his relations from his court and had his officials send them back to India. The Munshi returned to his home in Agra, Karim Lodge, where he lived until his 1909 death.[7]
[edit] References
- ^ http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/mbrown/men/karim_bio.html
- ^ http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3724/is_199609/ai_n8744036
- ^ http://www.geocities.com/jesusib/GoldenJubilee.html
- ^ http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3724/is_199609/ai_n8744036/pg_2
- ^ http://www.islamic-foundation.org.uk/articles/hereToStayGoneTomorrow.htm
- ^ http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/empire/episodes/episode_66.shtml
- ^ http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/mp/2002/10/28/stories/2002102800540200.htm