Talk:Aeroflot Flight 593
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[edit] Citations
The account given in the article actually appears to be from the episode of "Air Crash Investigation" (mentioned at bottom of page) in which this flight was shown, but as far as I know, there's no real way to show that this is true. I'm not too sure on the reliability of the show, but it did also mention the reason the plane dived was due to a safety mechanism trying to prevent the plane from stalling, and not due to the actions of the co-pilot/captain's son. Again, don't know quite how to cite this, though. --Jsloan31 10:25, 16 March 2006 (UTC)
As well, the show stated that the son was not in control when it crashed. Initally, the G-Forces were too high for the captain to take over, but once the co-pilot had the plane climbing, the Captain pushed the son out of the way and sat back down. WestJet
"45-degree bank ... twice as heavy?" This is incorrect. In constant-altitude turn, a 45-degree bank results in 1.41g (sqrt(2)). A 60-degree bank is a 2.0g turn. As an aside, the AirDisaster reference cites 4.8g, but this occurred later in the flight, not during the initial turn. -- 21:56, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
- The figures provided by is correct. But only when the aircraft is staying level. If in climb, Load factor (G) will be higher, lower in descent. En51cm 03:18, 13 February 2007 (UTC)
- Only for when those on the plane would feel only vertical (into their seat) gs. That may not have happened; all would depend on the airspeed and radius of the turn. Baccyak4H 17:14, 19 September 2006 (UTC)
- The Guy with the IP is right. Total reaction(lifting force generated by wings)x cos45 = Weight(1G), so Total reaction = 1G/(cos45) = 1.41G. However the aircraft at the time might not have been flying constant altitude(eg desending etc) just like the guy said. en51cm
National Geographic Channel has another dramatization of this event as part of their Air Emergency series, titled Kid in the Cockpit. Broadcast in the U.S. begins 10 July 2006. —QuicksilverT @ 02:49, 11 July 2006 (UTC)
- The series of events in the cockpit as currently written in the article don't match very well with what I've been reading elsewhere. I'm beginning to copyedit to improve the grammar and such, but I think the accuracy of the events, as described so far, is questionable. Don't be too surprised if some changes are coming, once I find time to cite reputable sources. - Itsfullofstars 03:44, 22 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Language
The language in the main article is unclearly written, with slight gramatical incorrectnesses... Should be changed. -- 02:27, 3 May 2006 (UTC)