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Afzalkhan was a 17th century Muslim general sent by Ali Adil Shah of Bijapur, ostensibly to hold peace talks with Shivaji, a Hindu king. He brutally got his all wives killed before leaving for the expedition to tackle Shivaji. During the meeting, held on 10th November 1659 half way up Shivaji's Pratapgad fort, Afzalkhan attempted to murder Shivaji but was instead stabbed by his adversary, and died. Shivaji buried him where he fell and built a splendid mausloleum over the grave. This was in stark contrast to the manner in which Muslim victors were known to treat vanquished foes.
Located on the slopes of Pratapgadh fort near the town of Mahabaleshwar in the Indian state of Maharashtra, Afzalkhan's tomb is primarily maintained out of revenue from lands granted by Shivaji.
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad party in India has reportedly announced plans to destroy the tomb of Afzalkhan on Sunday, September 12, 2004, an action that could lead to increased Muslim-Hindu strife.