Recess: All Growed Down
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Recess: All Growed Down is a Disney direct-to-video animated film released on December 9, 2003. The film is based on the popular Recess TV series. It was released simultaneously with another direct-to-video Recess film, Recess: Taking the 5th Grade.
This movie tells the story of how the Recess gang all met back in Kindergarten. The title is most likely a reference to the Nickelodeon TV series Rugrats: All Grown Up. The gang are looking forward to Mikey's new game, but they needed a empty space to go. They went to the old abandoned playground. They get captured by Kindergarteners and are surprised that they don't like Big Kids anymore. The reason is because Stinky, their new leader, scares them. TJ told the first story about when he encountered the Kindergarteners . It is then followed by the episode called, "The Legend of Big Kid." After that Gretchen tells them the story about the pee wee pals. It then shows the episode "The Challenge." After that Mikey asks Tubby to remember. It then shows the episode "The Kindergarten Derby."
After a while Gus arrives (he was with the school nurse because he felt sick) and also gets captured. He tells a story about when he went to Kindergarten. He arrived at Third Street Elementary School and to his surprise everyone was acting behaved in class. Ms. Finster was reading to them. When Recess came no one played with Gus. But T.J. introduced himself as Theodore Jasper Detweiler. Gus just called him T.J. It turns out that everyone is afraid of Mikey. But the only reason (Gus finds out) that is is because Randall told Mikey lies. It turns out that Mikey is friendly and when Ms. Finster sees that everyone are all messy, she demands to know who did this. Randell tells her and she takes him to Mr. Prickley's office. T.J. and the gang break him out, leaving a doll. Gus was expelled the next day. Gus tells Hector that he should stand up to Stinky. He does and Captain Sticky makes him the leader. The Gang are let go when the bell rings. T.J. and the gang were laughing about the story that Gus made up. Gus tried to protest he didn't make it up but he doesn't bother.