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Amphidamas is the name of six men in Greek mythology.
1. Amphidamas, son of Aleus and Cleobule. He was one of the Argonauts, along with his brother Cepheus. [1]
2. Amphidamas, father of Nausidame. Nausidame bore Helios a son, Augeas. [2]
3. Amphidamas, son of Lycurgus by either Cleophyle or Eurynome. Amphidamas had two children: Melanion and Antimache, who married Eurystheus. [3]
4. Amphidamas, son of Busiris, king of Egypt. He was killed, alongside his father, by Heracles. [4]
5. Amphidamas, father of Clitonymus, who was killed by Patroclus over a game of dice [5]
6. Amphidamas, one of the men hidden in the Trojan horse.