User:Andres Agostini
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ANDRES AGOSTINI, Andres E. Agostini, is Executive Associate for Global Markets at Omega Systems Group Incorporated (Arlington, Virginia, USA). He is also Charter Member of the Advisory Board of ACC Group worldwide (New York, Miami, London, Caracas), who reports chiefly to the chartered board he serves. He has 25 years of applied, professional experience. He has two majors on insurance from the Broward Community College (US). Previously, he took some courses on "Mechanical Engineering Technology" at Montreal's Dawson College (Canada). Furthermore, crossed training and technical indoctrination are in due place.
Mr. Agostini is a corporate, cross-functional strategy consultant/manager with a multidimensional vista of the world of risk and its concurrent administration. He has addressed major advisory services to high-ranking executives from GE (General Electrics) and Abbot Laboratories, both in the U.S. In a persistent, recursive search for cutting-edge, applied knowledge -consistent with this new era of swirling change (chaos), researching these topics has been a major, prevalent endeavor of his everyday activities.
He has also been engaged in independent consultancy services pertaining to (i) business innovation, (ii) management transformation, (iii) performance enhancement, (iv) organizational strategies, (v) systems thinking, (vi) outsourcing, co-sourcing, in-sourcing, strategic sourcing, (vii) transformational risk management, (viii) change stewardship, (ix) crisis and emergency administration, (x) scenario planning, (xi) organizational effectiveness, (xii) healthcare systems (delivery), and (xiii) intercultural counseling. In addition to those aforementioned, Mr. Agostini has had institutional/corporate clients such as the World Bank, Toyota, and Mitsubishi Motors plus Lloyd's of London (London, U.K.), Williams & Company [U.S.].
Other clients include, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA, Citgo's parent company), and its subsidiary companies. It can too be mentioned LAGOVEN (formerly EXXON in Venezuela), MARAVEN (formerly SHELL in Venezuela), CORPOVEN (a fully integrated petroleum company, stemming from the merger of several American and British oil producers), INTEVEP (PDVSA's R&D), BARIVEN (PDVSA's trader, based in Caracas and Houston), CARBOZULIA (PDVSA's coal company), PALMAVEN (PDVSA's agribusiness company), INTERVEN (PDVSA's division for the internationalization expansion of the group of companies), and PEQUIVEN (PDVSA's petrochemical operation).
His relationship with PDVSA, not only in Venezuela, also extends to London (formerly PDV Europe), the trader unit in Houston, and some U.S. operational units/divisions that were all merged into Citgo. His professional experience has been mainly gained within the U.S. and the U.K. and through British corporations as well as those from Japan, Canada, Spain, Brazil, Venezuela, and Indonesia. He has devoted himself to the advancement in new practices of management per se and holistic, transformative risk management. He has published some of his works on the World Wide Web. He is dedicated to implementing many "knowledge/skill transfers" events as per his lines of practice.
To Mr. Agostini, a "solution" is in no way a "quick fix," but a "fundamental, on-going, evolutionary, optimum solution." A more fundamental solution is even a more holistic one, especially when it is practiced/rendered systematically. Some people mistakenly associate "solutions" (optimum and on-going) to "quick fixes" (sub-optimum and uncontinued). His global sophistication allows him to walk across several complex frameworks (disciplines, industries, practices, cultures) to get the client a set of unique, effective responses to his/her expectations. Beyond methodologies such as Total Quality Assurance, Kaisen, Six Sigma, and other Multidimensional approaches, Mr. Agostini believes that corporate strategies must be reinforced—at all times— with applied, evolutionary "Systems Thinking," and other novelties from the "organizational learning” stance.