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Andrew Won is currently a student at Pace Academy in Atlanta, GA. He plays water polo in the fall, wrestling in the winter, and soccer and tennis in the spring. He is also on the debate team all year long. He has succeeded in many Georgia high school (GHSA) tournaments, by advancing to several elimination rounds and winning many tournaments.
Introduction --
Andrew Won invented the religion of Wonism when he was 13 years old. He has been very open-minded since the 9/11 attacks. As most Americans viewed the terrorists as brutal enemies, he tried to view the perspective of the terrorists. By putting himself in their shoes, he could understand that the terrorists "believed" that attacking Americans was morally correct, and that by the Islam religion, they were implementing jihad against the US. This incident allowed him to broaden his thought of mind.
A new emergent religion --
The foundation of Wonism relies of reincarnation. Wonists believe that the soul is reborn into another life, after one's death. In Wonism, heaven and hell exists, but in different forms than the average person believes. Wonists believe that heaven is simply a world "better" than the one you were living in, and hell is a world "worse" than the one you were living in. By this theory, people reincarnate into different versions of the world, based on their behavior of their previous life. Some Wonists (of the United States) believe that the people in our current world are in "hell," since there has been numerous disasters in the United States recently (i.e. 9/11 attacks, Hurricane Katrina, etc).
The creator --
Andrew Won does agree that there was a "Creator." Someone or something must have created us, although this person/thing is unknown to us. This is similar to being agnostic. Andrew has wondered if the creator thought our world through as thoroughly as humans have discovered it to be, such as down to the point of blood cells and atoms. He also wonders if creator even understands our language and if he likes being called "god" or despises being named "God," "Jesus Christ," or "Allah." Andrew has been very skeptical about the Creator having a personal relationship with every being in the world. Thus praying and sacrifices are unimportant.
Other thoughts of Won --
There are other thoughts that Andrew Won has developed, but has not published as his true beliefs. A big thought that he has established is how "right" and "wrong" cannot be determined by anything or anyone. In one country, people might believe killing to be extremely wrong, whereas other countries might believe killing or sacrificing to be an honor. Ancient civilizations even participated in sports games where the winner was sacrificed to the gods. In this instance, death was a good thing and an honor -- much different than the accepted system of belief in this world today.
Andrew Won's Life --
Andrew was born in the city of Antioch in California. He grew up in an Asian household, where he had one sister. His family had adapted to American customs, so his lifestyle was very modernized by American customs. He moved to Singapore when he was 7. When he was 9, he moved to Atlanta, GA. He remains living in Atlanta, but plans to move somewhere else in the future.