From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- For advice on archiving Talk pages, see Wikipedia:How to archive a talk page
This page is a co-ordination point for pages that were previously in the Wikipedia: namespace, but have become obsolete and archived. Regular articles are not archived here or elsewhere because their previous versions may be viewed in the history tab.
Note these pages are preserved primarily for historical interest. Policies contained within may be out-dated.
[edit] Archived pages
- /Refreshing brilliant prose - A review of all brilliant prose articles was held in late 2003.
- /Votes for deletion/Lists - A proposal to delete a lot of list pages en masse that didn't reach critical mass.
- /Petition for the return of the Old Wikipedia - a petition to change the standard skin back to the older style, before Monobook.
- /Lag - various complaints and possible solutions to the lag problem on Wikipedia, from 2002-03. Currently, complaints about lag are more typically aired on meta and IRC. ;-)