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In grappling, an armlock is a single or double joint lock which hyperextends, hyperflexes or hyperrotates the elbow joint and/or shoulder joint. An armlock which hyperflexes or hyperrotates the shoulder joint is referred to as a shoulder lock, and an armlock which hyperextends the elbow joint is called an armbar. Depending on the joint flexibility and integrity of a person, armlocks which hyperrotate the shoulder joint can also hyperrotate the elbow joint, and vice versa.
Obtaining an armlock requires effective use of full-body leverage in order to initiate and secure a lock on the targeted arm, while preventing the opponent from escaping the lock. Therefore, armlocks are usually more easily performed from a dominant grappling position on the ground such as the mount, side mount, or guard. Armlocks are more difficult to perform when both combatants are standing up, though the stand-up variants are a focus in certain systems such as Chin Na. A failed armlock can sometimes result in the opponent escaping and obtaining a dominant position.
Armlocks are considered less dangerous techniques in combat sports allowing joint locks, and are the most common joint locks used as submission holds. Armlocks not hyperextending the elbow joint are in Judo and some other budo arts called ude-garami (腕緘, "arm entanglement"). Ude-garami is a legal technique in judo competitions, even though depending on how it is applied, it may also affect the shoulder joint, or often primarily the shoulder joint.
In sparring or training, armlocks are generally done in a slow and controlled manner, so that the opponent can submit before any damage is inflicted. In self-defense application, or when applied improperly or with excessive force, armlocks can cause muscle, tendon and ligament damage, even dislocation, or bone fractures.
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[edit] Armbar
An armbar (sometimes called a straight armbar) is a joint lock which hyperextends the elbow joint. It is typically applied by placing the opponent's extended arm at the elbow over a fulcrum such as an arm, leg or hip, and controlling the opponent's body while leveraging the arm over the fulcrum. It is used in various grappling martial arts, including Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Catch wrestling, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu and is one of the most common ways to win a match in mixed martial arts competition[1]. The technique has several variations, with the best known and most effective in competition being the juji-gatame. The juji-gatame is so common, that "armbar" is often used synonymously with juji-gatame.
The English word "bar" is used here to signify the opponent's extended arm, while the Japanese word "juji" (十字) refers to the armbar's visual resemblance to the number 10 as written in Kanji, 十. The word juji is also found in "juujika" (十字架), meaning a cross.
[edit] Juji-gatame
The juji-gatame (十字固, "cross armlock" or technically referred to as ude-hishigi-juji-gatame; in professional wrestling the technique is referred to a "cross armbreaker" or "crucifix armbar") can be performed on either one of the opponent's arms. In general, the attacker grabs the wrist of the targeted arm of the opponent, holding and securing it by squeezing it between the thighs of the attacker. The attacker's legs end up across the opponent's chest, with the arm held between the thighs, with the elbow pointing against the thigh or hips. By holding the opponent's wrist to the attacker's chest, the attacker can extend the opponent's arm and hyperextend the opponent's elbow, creating pressure in the elbow joint. The attacker can further increase the pressure by arching his or her hips against the elbow. This is extremely effective against unknowledgeable opponents.
[edit] Flying armbar
The flying armbar is a version of the juji-gatame that is performed from a stand-up position. It is typically applied when the opponent has a collar tie. By tightly holding the opponents neck and arm, the attacker puts one of his or her shins against the opponents midsection, and leans up on the opponent; at the same time, the attacker swings the leg on the same side as the opponent's collar tie over the opponents head, into the typical juji-gatame position. If improperly performed, this technique will cause the opponent to escape the hold and gain an advantageous position, even the option of slamming the attacker to the ground. The flying armbar is considered to be one of the most spectacular joint locks in competitions where it is allowed, but it is uncommon because of the risk of losing position.
[edit] Shoulder lock

A shoulder lock is a type of joint lock that hyperflexes or hyperrotates the shoulder joint. A shoulder lock is applied by forcing the arm beyond its normal range of shoulder-wise movement, which can be done through a variety of ways. Typically, the body is controlled from moving by using a pinning hold, and the arm is then pulled, pushed or twisted.
[edit] Keylock
A keylock (also known as a bent armlock, figure-four armlock or ude-garami) involves holding the forearm and using it to twist the upper arm laterally or medially, similarly to turning a key in a keyhole. It is usually considered to be a shoulder lock since the primary pressure is often on the shoulder. But depending on how it is performed, significant pressure can also be applied to the elbow and it is considered to be a lock on the elbow in judo circuits. It can be applied from a multitude of positions, and it is the most common shoulder lock used as a submission hold in mixed martial arts competition. The keylock has several variations with their own names, for instance depending on in which direction the arm is rotated. The word "reverse" is sometimes added to signify medial rotation as in reverse keylock or reverse ude-garami, in which case the usage of just "keylock" indicates lateral rotation.
[edit] Americana
The americana is a term used in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to specify a lateral keylock. This lock is generally applied only from the mount or side control, since it needs support from the ground to be effective. The opponent's arm is pinned to the ground so that it is bent at the elbow, with the opponent's palm upwards. The wrist is grabbed with the opposite hand, and the arm on the same side is put under the opponents arm, gripping the attackers wrist. This results in the necessary figure-four hold. While keeping the opponent's hand pinned to the ground, begin sliding their pinned arm down and parallel to your thigh while cranking their elbow upwards. This is referred to as *painting*. The opponent will feel a great deal of pressure on their shoulder and tap.
[edit] Kimura or chicken wing
The kimura (in various forms of wrestling also known as a chicken wing) is a term used in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to specify a medial keylock. The application is similar to the americana, except that it is reversed. It needs some space behind the opponent to be effective, and can be applied from the side control or guard. Contrary to the americana, the opponent's wrist is grabbed with the hand on the same side, and the opposite arm is put on the back side the opponent's arm, and again grabbing the attacker's wrist and forming a figure-four. By controlling the opponent's body and cranking the arm away from the attacker, pressure is put on the shoulder joint, and depending on the angle, also the elbow joint (in some variations the opponent's arm is brought behind his back, resulting in a finishing position resembling that of the "hammerlock" outlined below). The kimura was named after the judoka Masahiko Kimura, who used it to defeat one of the founders of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Hélio Gracie.
[edit] Omoplata
The omoplata (arguably referred to as ude-garami or sankaku-garami, 三角緘, "triangular entanglement" in Judo)[2][3] is a commonly featured shoulder lock in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The locking mechanism is similar to the kimura lock, but instead of using a figure-four, it is applied using a leg. The omoplata can be applied from the guard, by placing one leg under the opponents armpit and turning 180 degrees in the direction of that leg, so that the leg moves over the back of the opponent and entangles the opponents arm. By controlling the opponent's body and pushing the arm perpendicularly away from the opponents back, pressure can be put on the opponent's shoulder. It is also possible to put pressure on the elbow joint by bending the leg entangling the arm, and twisting it in a specific manner. Though an effective lock, it is more difficult than other armlocks to successfully apply.
[edit] Hammerlock
A hammerlock is a shoulder lock similar to the kimura lock where the opponent's arm is held bent against his or her back, and their hand forced upwards towards the neck, thereby applying pressure to the shoulder joint. The hammerlock is well-known as a pain compliance hold in law-enforcement where it is typically used from a stand-up position to control an aggressor, and is also utilized in the application of handcuffs. It is also sometimes seen used as a submission hold in submission wrestling arts and professional wrestling.
[edit] See also
- For armlocks involving a separating motion of the elbow joint, see Biceps slicer.
- Leglock
- Small joint manipulation
- Spinal lock
- Wristlock
[edit] References
[edit] Main references
- Bothner, George; Gotch, Frank; Hackenschmidt, George; Liederman, Earle. Hammerlock. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Kesting, Stephan. Revolutionary Omo Plata. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Kesting, Stephan; Soares, Marcus. Mastering the Kimura, URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Ohlenkamp, Neil. The Most Powerful Armlock in Judo. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Trnka, Tue. MMA-ordbogen. URL last accessed August 18, 2006. (In Danish)
[edit] Other references
- ^ Top 20 most common fight endings. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- ^ Inokuma, Isao; Sato, Nobuyuki (1987). Best Judo. Kodansha America. ISBN 0-87011-786-6.
- ^ Judo-club Hadamar. Judo von A - Z. URL last accessed August 18, 2006. (In German)
[edit] External links
[edit] Armbar instructions
- Tutorials of BJJ armbar techniques
- Armbar. Basic juji-gatame from the mount. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Armbar Submission from the Guard. Basic juji-gatame from the guard. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Triangle choke (& armbar). Transitioning from the triangle choke to an armbar. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Double armbar. Armbar on both arms.
- The flying armbar. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Straight armbar from side control. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Arm Bar instructional videos The technique is taught from numerous positions.
[edit] Shoulder lock instructions
[edit] Keylock
- Performing the ude-garami from side mount. Keylock from side control. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
[edit] Americana
- Americana Arm Lock from Top Half Guard. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
[edit] Kimura
- Kimura Arm Lock from Top Half Guard. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Marcus Soares Kimura from Closed Guard. Kimura from the closed guard. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Kimura. Kimura from the north-south position. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
[edit] Omoplata
- Omoplata. Transitioning into the omoplata. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
- Revolutionary Omo Plata. Discussion about moves that can be used in combination with the omoplata. URL last accessed August 18, 2006.
The Hammerlock is a basic armlock after an arm wrench. The Hammerlock is performed behinid the opponent where the attacking wrestler would hold it and continues too twist the arm.