Talk:At the Drive-In
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Here is an interview, (which may require forum registration) clarifying alot about ATDI. I don't have the writing proficiency to edit the actual article, but this clarifies alot about their past and feelings.
Emo/punk??? I disagree. What's with the tendency to label everything emo nowadays (e.g. Coheed and Cambria)? I'd say punk/prog rock is more appropriate.
I agree that we need to stop labeling everything "emo", but I think that we need to stop labeling bands period. What does Coheed and Cambria have to do with At The Drive-In? The question I would be asking is what's with the tendency to label everything nowadays? I understand that labels can be important sometimes, but nowadays, labels are just meaningless fads that the "emo" kids use to "express" themselves or whatever. I love listening to music, but the labels are becoming more important than the music itself.-Leandreamo
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[edit] emo
I don't have a beef with the "emo" label. I have a problem with it being applied as a blanket term. Sunny Day Real Estate = emo Dashboard Confessional does not = emo We need to start thinking about the history and geography associated with this term. Also, talking about "waves" of emo would probably be helpful (as in punk or ska). I would call At The Drive-In a "screamo" band. However, labels like this don't really matter, they don't change the music. They just help communities and "scenes" to spring up around new musical enviroments (for better or for worse). Of course, all this is just one persons opinion, and that's all it should be considered as.
I completely agree with what leandremo has said on all the band pages I've visited so far,because we seem to share the same outlook on this(idiotic)labeling thing. Everyone is so caught up in labeling the bands that it seems like no-one really appreciates the music anymore. People are simply just to worried about whether there favorite band is going to be labeled "emo" or not, when they should really be enjoying the music instead of plastering every single band with a label. If I'm correct when you walk into hastings,walmart,bestbuy, or wherever it is you are purchasing you're cds, you dont buy the cd just to label the band do you? I mean you purchase the cd to LISTEN to the MUSIC not LABEL IT!!!!! So next time do us all a favour, and when you buy your next cd appreciate the music instead of labeling it.----Frobot
In an online interview, when confronted with the "emo" label, Omar said something to the effect of "I don't like the label emo, because all music has to be emotional. And to call it emo is not right because all music is emotional"
I've always called them "Post-punk" when referencing them to friends and associates. What comes out today definately isn't punk, and it definately isn't anything close to the integrity of ATDI. Also, I don't think screamo really fits either, because songs like "invalid Litter dept." (aside from the reprise) and "Napoleon Solo" are much softer than your standard Alexisonfire fare. - madProphet
I think it is totally adequate to term it as indie/hard rock/alternative rock, which goes along pretty well that atdi just called themselfs "a rocknroll band" and the fact that they are so totally not emo, and i mean..seriously, totally not emo
I think that they are post-punk/alternative rock, personally... yeah.
I always considered them Post-Hardcore, not only do they sound like Post-Hardcore bands (one or two songs doesn't change the genre) but they were the most influential post-hardcore band.
[edit] Pink Floyd / Weezer?
Is the Pink Floyd / Weezer comment substantiated by actual statements from members of the band? Musical influences and direction are important issues with a band, and it's easy to make comments like this that are pure speculation or hearsay.
The person who contributed the "comment" writes as though it was/is... But, I don't have the faintest idea. Also, I think that your second sentence is spot-on. I, personally, would love to see more citations of sources in wiki-entries concerning bands. ~laonoodlekeemow.
The Guilty Undertaker: I was listening to an interview with Cedric Zavala this afternoon on Sirius, and he stated that the other guys wanted the album to be "sort of like weezer, in that direction, you know?" Just my input.
[edit] Why emo?
This is the third band that I've looked up and on every discussion page, everyone is just talking about how emo the band is. How come nobody is talking about At The Drive-In? They were a really good band. I think they deserve better than more emo discussions. Emo is all you will see on the Thursday page too.-Leandreamo
It's not a discussion to talk about how great the band is. It's about how to improve the encyclopedia entry by correctly labeling their genre for those who haven't heard their music before. That's why it's relevent. It's supposed to be educational. This is not a fan forum. 07:52, 16 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Best band to come out in the 90's to the early 00's
Just as the heading says. This band has to be the most influential band of this decade. Alot of bands try to mimic what they did and how they sounded but they will never be able to lead themselves near or any higher. The great thing about At The Drive-In was their different style of music. It's what we never see anymore. Most bands in the punk genres that come from indie labels sound exactly the same and it's going to destroy our music industry. -RetroHippie
I agree completely. At The Drive-In has a very unique sound and it is impossible for other bands to imitate what they were able to do.It was great bands like At The Drive-In that worked hard and developed great music, and that's what we need to see more of nowadays. I would actually prefer At The Drive-In over The Mars Volta, but I like what those guys have done with the music as well. We need to start hearing some bands with a unique sound and not all this shit that just sounds the same. So I say good job to At The Drive-In.-Leandreamo
Wouldn't you agree though that many of today's bands have copied elements of the ATDI sound? I mean, chop and edit Relationship of Command a littole and you can find all kinds of riffs and tricks that are all over today's rock scene (yes, even emo). I bet you'll hear prog echoes of ADTI all over for years to come.SteelyDave 16:35, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] "extremely poetic"
extreme poeticism could be the name of a mockumentary about a similar but much more humorous, and more fictitious, band.
"Acrobatic Tenement, which, although undoubtedly a hardcore punk album, lacked the energy seen in later works." Citation? As far as I can tell Acrobatic Tenement sounds more energetic and ferocious than their later works.
Agreed, I don't exactly understand why that was written there. - Retro Hippie
[edit] Band Name Origination
The author who wrote this article states that At the Drive-In got its name from the Poison song "Talk Dirty to Me" and the song "At the Movies" by the Bad Brains. I have a problem with this in that I just don't think it's true.
First, while that Poison song does have the lyric, "At the drive-in . . ." I'd like some documented evidence (an interview, etc.) that the band pulled their name from this song lyric. Just because some song lyric contains the phrase, "At the drive-in" doesn't mean that the band took their name from it.
The reason why this disturbs me is because I think Poison sucks and I don't think At the Drive-In would borrow their name from a peurile song like "Talk Dirty to Me." Admittedly, this is my personal opinion, but I also think that the author was speculating about the origination of the band's name.
Second, why does the author mention two song names? It's either one or the other or neither, no? Unless the author provides a citation for the reference then I'm going to omit that portion of the article in a few days.
Aside from the sentence I've been addressing, the rest of the article is great and I really appreciate that someone took the time to cull the information to write it. However, again, I don't think that part should be included unless the author can document his/her source.
---I too, have read the interview where they stated that they got the name from a Poison song, but I forget where the interview is at. After they mentioned that they got it from a Poison song, they laughed, meaning that it was probably pretty ridiculous to them too, lol. :] -Retro Hippie
Yeah, I had read this interview aswell. They stated they did it because everyone in El Paso was into Hair Metal at the time and if they ever wanted to make it they had to identify with it.
[edit] The Eagle Has Landed
A while ago, I added under the cimpilation heading, "The Eagle has Landed." I wasn't surprised to see it taken off shortly there after. I just want to clarify, and hopefully somebody can come up with the proper documentation. At The Drive-In's "Salient" was featured on this compilation, which is a mix of distant instrument tracks with Cedric performming some spoken word--which includes many lyrics from At The Drive-in songs--over it. It is VERY hard to track down this album, so it seems. I saw it on Ebay years ago, and it took me many years to find the track "Salient" on any p2p program. I believe there is a discussion of the song/album on the mars volta fan site, the comatorium. If anybody could find information regarding this album, to post under the discography, it would be great, because a lot of fans don't seem to know about it.Shokknterror 03:56, 16 November 2006 (UTC)
- I personally don't trust ebay for my discog info, but if you can find a thread on the coma maybe it is real. Zopwx2 04:47, 16 November 2006 (UTC)
Oh, I know the song you are mentioning. A friend of mine got it off Limewire a few months ago. I don't remember there being any lyrics on it, but I guess there were, hahah. - Retro Hippie