Azerbaijan Ministry of National Security
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The Azerbaijan Ministry of National Security (MNS, Azeri: Milli Təhlukəsizlik Nazirliyi) is an intelligence agency of the Azerbaijan government. The MNS is a central executive authority which carries out the competencies referred to it by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of obtaining and analyzing information about foreign affairs, corporations, individuals. The MNS also carries out intelligence, counter-intelligence, protection of state secret, revealing, preventing, precluding and detection of crimes.
The Ministry is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the decrees of President, the decisions and decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers, the international treaties which Azerbaijan is the part, its statute and other normative-legal acts of the MNS.
The MNS headquarters are in the following cities:
The head of the MNS is Eldar Mahmudov. Mahmudov holds the rank of general-lieutenant in the Military of Azerbaijan. At the beginning of 2004, Mahmudov became the chief of MOI Department for Struggle Against Narcotics, and half a year after, replaced the Namiq Abbasovall as the head of MNS.
In 2006 the MNS conducted a successes in the war against terrorism, they arrested a dozen of al-Qaeda members who were seeking to overthrow the secular republic.
[edit] Regulations Extract
Duties of the Ministry of National Safety Extract from " Regulations about the ministry "
- 8. The ministry within the limits of the powers and in cases and the order, stipulated by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, carries out below-mentioned duties:
- 8.1. Takes measures on creation of a good situation for realization of the state policy directed on maintenance of national safety of the Azerbaijan Republic;
- 8.2. Organizes and carries out with the purpose of maintenance of national safety prospecting, counter prospecting and operative - search activity, carries out(spends) investigation and preliminary investigation on the criminal cases concerning to his(its) powers;
- 8.3. Extracts and analyzes data on intentions, plans and acts of foreign bodies of special services, the organizations and the separate persons directed against national interests of the Azerbaijan Republic, predicts real and potential threats of national safety;
- 8.4. Takes measures with the purpose of detection, advancing and prevention prospecting, diversive and others blasting and criminal foreign bodies of special services, the organizations, criminal groupings and the separate persons directed on drawing of damage to the sovereignty, territorial integrity, bases constitutional building and safety, to economic, scientific and technical both defensive potential and other national interests of the Azerbaijan Republic;
- 8.5. Conducts struggle against the international terrorism and other forms of the translational organized crimes;
- 8.6. Informs the President of the Azerbaijan Republic and under his(its) assignment(order) various state bodies on threats of national safety, provides with their necessary prospecting data on political, economic, military, scientific and technical, ecological and to other areas, connected with maintenance of national safety;
- 8.7. Carries out counter prospecting maintenance of the Ministry of Defence and the structures which are included in his(its) structure, Internal Armies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Boundary Service of the Azerbaijan Republic and structures included in his(its) structure, and other military departments created according to the legislation (for the purposes of this Position henceforth - Armed forces and other armed formations);
- 8.8. Takes measures on a safety of a military-industrial complex, power, transport, communication(connection) and other strategically important spheres of economy, and also scientific and technical development and their results important from the point of view of national safety;
- 8.9. In necessary cases takes measures for good safety employees of diplomatic and other representations of the Azerbaijan Republic in foreign countries and members of their families during their stay abroad, the citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic admitted(allowed) to work with data making the state secret, during their presence(finding) on business trip abroad;
- 8.10. Takes part in maintenance of protection of the state secrets, observance of a mode of confidentiality, safety of a special communication facility and works in the state bodies, Armed forces and other armed formations, establishments, the enterprises and the organizations of the Azerbaijan Republic, in diplomatic and other representations of the Azerbaijan Republic in foreign countries;
- 8.11. Carries out necessary measures on detection, an advancing and prevention in Armed forces and other armed formations of infringements of rules of storage and transportations and an ammunition, acts directed on easing of fighting capacity, cases of capture, plunder and destruction of the state property, including arms, an ammunition, military technics (technical equipment), explosive, poisonous and radioactive substances;
- 8.12. Provides with the information Armed forces and other armed formations about infringements of requirements on a mode of protection of military objects, storage of data making the state secret, the circumstances becoming such reason of infringements, the revealed and prospective infringements in the field of protection of Frontier of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also about cases which can cause in these structures emergencies with heavy consequences;
- 8.13. Carries out counter-measures against technical investigation of foreign special services, carries out(spends) technical investigation;
- 8.14. Undertakes a complex of measures in the field of protection of information technologies and the software, important from the point of view of national safety;
- 8.15. Takes part in maintenance with a special communication facility of the state bodies and their officials in the order established by the legislation;
- 8.16. Conducts the operative account of incidents, the facts, subjects and other information sources connected to maintenance of prospecting, counter prospecting and operative - search activity, starts and registers operative - registration business;
- 8.17. Performs decisions of courts about carrying out of operative - search work, the decision or written assignments(orders) of investigatory bodies on criminal cases, and also decisions of proxy subjects of operative - search work;
- 8.18. Provides safety of the employees, their close relatives, persons of prospecting subjects prospecting and counter prospecting activity, and also the persons who were taking part in criminal trial, their close relatives;
- 8.19. Together with other state bodies conducts struggle against smuggling, illegal circulation of the special means intended for extraction of information in the illegal way, narcotics, psychotropic substances and, strong, poisonous, poisoning, radioactive, explosives and installations, military technics (technical equipment), a fire-arms, and an ammunition, nuclear, chemical and biological and others mass defeat, materials and which can be used at manufacturing the weapon of mass defeat, strategic raw material, the subjects having cultural, historical and archaeological value;
- 8.20. Carries out interaction with the state bodies and the enterprises of communication(connection) in the field of organizational - technical maintenance of operative - search actions in communication networks;
- 8.21. In case of reception of the data concerning to powers of other subjects of operative - search activity, carries out(spends) urgent actions and immediately informs these bodies, renders him(it) necessary assistance;
- 8.22. Carries out interaction with other subjects of prospecting and counter prospecting activity;
- 8.23. With assistance of the State Boundary Service of the Azerbaijan Republic carries out measures on operative maintenance of frontier of the Azerbaijan Republic;
- 8.24. With assistance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic takes measures on a safety located on territory of the Azerbaijan Republic of diplomatic and other representations of the foreign states;
- 8.25. Prepares for qualified personnel for bodies of the ministry, provides improvement of vocational training, improvement of professional skill and moral and psychological preparation of military men and workers;
- 8.26. Organizes and provides mobilization preparation of the ministry;
- 8.27. Organizes registration and consideration of acting references(manipulations), reception of citizens;
- 8.28. Organizes the account material and financial assets, supervises their use, checks activity of structural divisions and carries out their audit;
- 8.29. Carries out a provision of pensions transferred(translated) in a stock or left to resignation of military men of the Ministry, and also members of their families in the order and the cases stipulated by the legislation;
- 8.30. Carries out a complex of preventive, medical, sanatorium and other measures on health protection of military men, workers, pensioners, and also members of their families;
- 8.31. The ministry according to the legislation carries out also other duties.