User:Bachrach44/Binyamin Shlomo Hamburger
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A descendant of the Hatam Sofer, Binyamin Shlomo Hamburger (בנימין שלמה המבורגר) was born in Basel, Switzerland, and studied in Yeshivas in England, Switzerland, and Israel. He founded Mochon Moreshes Ashkenaz (center for the study of ashkenazi minhagim), and recently has written Shorshei Minhag Ashkenaz, a book detailing the customs of German Jews. He currently lives in Bene Beraq, and is considered to be an expert on the subject of ashkenazi customs and history. He is also the author of the book משיחי השקר ומתנגדיהם, (false messiahs and their detractors), which is a historical work detailing many of the people who claimed to be the Jewish messiah. Exerps from the original Hebrew book can be found online, and a French translation has been made.
[edit] External links
- his homepage (Mostly in French, with some German and English)
- excerps from משיחי השקר ומתנגדיהם.
[edit] other links
Category:Orthodox rabbis|Hamburger, Binyamin