User:Balaji Ravichandran
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- Name: Balaji Ravichandran
- Date of Birth: November 1, 1985.
- Sex: Male
- Position: Editor, studentBMJ (
- Classification: Studious, book-worm, aesthetic, artistic, scientific and creative.
- Reading: "Oh child, how you gobble!"
- Writing
- Poetry
- Music
- Photography
- Science
- Elocution and Debate
- Philosophy
- Authors (Fiction): David Mitchell, Ian McEwan, George Orwell, Julian Barnes, Nadine Gordimer
- Books (Fiction): Cloud Atlas, Midnight Children, Atonement, Mother's Milk
- Authors (Non-fiction/Science): Richard Dawkins, Roger Penrose, Bertrand Russell
- Books (Non-fiction/Science): The Selfish Gene, Road to Reality, The Argumentative Indian, Of Human Knowledge (and its limits)
- Poets: William Wordsworth, Wilfred Owen, John Milton, Philip Larkin
- Scientists: Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman
- Music: Mainly Classical (the likes of Adams, Stravinsky and Satie); receptive to any other music. Unabashed fan of cheesy pop
- Philosophers: Nietzche, Dawkins (or the corollary of his works), Gibran, Russell
- Artists: Michelangelo, Titian, da Vinci, Vermeer, Poussin, Constable
- Destinations: London, Switzerland
Just been admitted into University of Cambridge; though unable to fund it financially, as it costs me 22,000 GBP per annum. Coming from a poor family in India, hope to find a scholarship or sponsorship. Pfff...
"The Sphinx spoke only once. It said, 'A grain of sand is a desert. A desert is a grain of sand. So, let us all be silent again.' I heard the Sphinx. I did not understand."
"We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we began And know our place for the first time."
"... the Sirens have a still more fatal weapon than their songs, namely their silence. Someone might have possibly escaped their song... But from their silence, certainly never."