Talk:Bao Qingtian
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I feel that this article should make a clearer distinction between fact and fiction. Historically speaking we do not know if Bao Zheng was friends with the eight prince. The eighth prince in the Justic Bao stories is different from the actual historical eight prince. And Grand Tutor Pang (龐太師) is only a fictional character.
May I ask what sources the writer of this sentence used? [Historical records also show the real Bao did not attain a position in the capital. If he was indeed as just as he is glorified, this could serve to explain why he did not apparently climb very high through the ranks as to obtain a position in the capital.] According to at least two history books on the Song dynasty I have in my shelves there are records that he was quite highly ranked. Even governor of the capital 開封府尹 and six months prior to his death he was promoted to vice military chancellor 樞密副使.
- 兩宋人物, 龔弘, 齊魯書社, 2004
Liang Song Renwu (Dignitaries of the two Song dynasties), Gong Hong, Qilu Publishings, 2004
- 北宋史。 南宋史, 周寶珠, 王曾瑜, 楊倩描, 中華書局, 2003
Northern Song history and Southern Song history, Zhou Baozhu, Wang Cengyu and Yang Qianmiao, Zhonghua Publishings, 2003