Baphomet (Ragnarok Online)
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Baphomet, in the game Ragnarok Online, is a scythe-wielding demon who makes his home in Prontera Maze.
[edit] Appearance
He is seen as a half-goat, half-human, who usually wandered alone, except when his offspring travel with him. These offspring are called Baphomet Juniors. Baphomet is brownish orange in color, and has enough intelligence in him to speak to people, as was shown in Ragnarok: The Animation. However, in the Anime version, he fights with a hammer instead of a scythe. He also has a scar on his left eye, which he attained while duelling with the assassin Iruga, and his best friend Keogh, the knight. He has a slightly thick mane around his neck, and his remaining eye is blood red in color.
[edit] Story
Contrary to other definitions of Baphomet, this version is a solitary demon who doesn't fight for evil. In fact, after the paladin Roan and his partymates imprisoned the Dark Lord in a sphere and escaped the devastated Glast Heim, it was Baphomet who dealt the death blow to Dark Lord and crushed himunder the weight of his massive hammer. He came into conflict with Roan's party every now and then, but always managed to either call a truce, or leave them defeated. His first appearance in the Anime was in front of Roan's childhood friend Yuufa, who let out a scream and as a result, Roan's party thoguht Baphomet was attacking her. Roan, who was not yet a true Paladin at that time, failed to defend Yuufa, while the hunter Judia was shocked when Baphomet broke out of her ankle snare, and crushed an arrow stuck in his shoulder by force of his muscles. They met once again in the Clock Tower of Al de Baran, when Baphomet Junior had his tail caught in the Clock's gears. Once again, Roan failed to defeat Baphomet, who merely threw him into a wall while seated down.
[edit] Stats and Skills
Baphomet is the most feared boss monster in the world of Ragnarok Online, despite the fact that he is one of the lowest health bosses in the game. His regular version has 668000 health points, compared to the 3 million health points of other monsters. His upgraded, special event form has a total of 1264000 health points. Stats: While being a boss monster, he possesses a strange combination. His attack ranges from 3220-4040, yet he possesses only 1 stat placed on strength, which is supposed to judge damage dealt. He has 162 Agility, allowing him to evade almost any attack, 96 vitality, coupled with 35 defense in order to recieve almost no damage from small weapons while reducing damage from other weaponry types, intelligence of 85, in order to deal massive magical damage, while warding of his opponent's spells because of high magical defense. His dexterity reaches 120, allowing him to have an almost 100 percent chance of hitting, and a luck amount of 95, enabling his use of critical attacks which ignore defense. He is also hard to defeat in that he uses a combination of the Wizard and Knight classes' favorite spells. Brandish spear lvl 20, although a character's max is only 10, Lord of Vermillion lvl 20, also defying the lvl 10 of the Wizard class, allow him to destroy entire parties, almost always with just one hit. Assuming of course, the party members had low to moderately high amounts of health. He also possesses Storm Gust and Meteor Storm lvl 10, is capable of breking armor, turns invisible, doubles his attack speed with Two-Hand Quicken lvl 10, and to make matters worse, teleports when he is low on health. He also deflects some attacks by chance.