From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] A little about me
My name is Bashar, I am from Kuwait. I've been a member at wikipedia since awhile, but i didn't contribute because I've been crowded with college. I just started contributing in the English & Arabic editions of wikipedia by writing articles and translating others.
[edit] My blogs and sites:
[edit] Zoom in Bashari
I just blogged my biography, I'll keep updating it all the time...You can find more details about me if you were interested:
[edit] List of my contributions in the English edition
- Latifa
- Ela Toghat Al Alaam
- Thekra
[edit] List of my contribution in the Arabic edition
- بينت شوب برو (Arabic translation of Corel Paint Shop Pro)
- إلى طغاة العالم (Arabic of Ela Toghat Al Alaam)
- صور عالية المدى الديناميكي (Arabic of High dynamic range imaging)
- (كاميرا رقمية ذات عدسة أحادية عاكسة) Arabic for Single-lens reflex camera - 13th of Nov. 2006
- (فلكر) Arabic for flickr - 20th of Nov. 2006
- (ذكرى) Arabic for Thekra - 27th of Nov. 2006
- Stub of (البرنامج الثابت) Arabic for firmware - 19th Of Dec. 2006
Plus expanding some articles in the Arabic and English sections.