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Battleworld was an artificial planet created by the extradimensional Beyonder for his contest of good and evil in the Marvel Comics Secret Wars crossover. Merged together from dozens of fragments taken from as many planets (including a suburb of Denver, Colorado from Earth), Battleworld was designed to provide an unfamiliar environment which nevertheless allowed all contestants to use their powers to the fullest.
Many peoples, both alien and human, were brought along "for the ride" by this method - it was because of this that Spider-Woman II was on Battleworld, as was Zsaji, the healer, who had brief romances with both the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four and Colossus of the X-Men.
In the aftermath of Secret Wars, the planet became infected with cosmic energy as a result of the Beyonder reclaiming his power from Doctor Doom, who had stolen it from him (For more information, see the Secret Wars article). This led to a "wish fulfillment" phenomenon whereby force of will could alter reality, such as repairing Captain America's Unbreakable Shield, or allowing Reed Richards to create a way to take them home extremely quickly. This is possibly either due to the Beyonder's nature as an incomplete Cosmic Cube, which allows the wielder to alter reality around them by force of will, or was an aspect of the "heart's desire" promised by the Beyonders and granted to the default winners of the Secret Wars.
At the end of Secret Wars all the heroes left the planet, except for Ben Grimm (who stayed behind because he was able to change to and from his human form while on the planet's surface). Ben Grimm remained on the planet for a while in his own sideseries while She-Hulk took his place in the Fantastic Four, until eventually deciding to return home. Once he left, the planet had no more reason to exist, and so it broke apart once more. It is unknown if the pieces returned to their home planets or not, although the fragment of Colorado was ferried back to Earth with its citizens and the Secret Wars' villains by the Molecule Man.
Battleworld reappeared in the miniseries Beyond!, reconstructed by the Stranger posing as the Beyonder for the purposes of studying various combatants from Earth under the guise of battle. This faux Battleworld was destroyed at the end of the miniseries by the departure of the irate Stranger, with Gravity holding it together long enough for his group to escape at the cost of his life.