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Thanks for coming to my user page! I don't really mind if you leave me something on my talk page, nominate me for an Administrator position, anything. I'll put up something about me, my photos, edits and creations. Well, see you later! [Note: I may contribute not signed in, and my IP address is this-]
Me birthday is on August 25th, and I was born in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. I went to Tom Thompson public school in Burlington, and now going to Burlington Central HS. After seven horrid years at Tom Thompson, luckily survivng from the teachers and homework, I looked forward to Middle and High school. I found that a disappointment as well, being that the teachers AND homework sucked. Everyday after horrid school, I work on a story and/or ideas for it. I usually watch SNL Music Volume 1, or play The Warriors.
I've had a lot of pets over the years, and I will list all of em.
Ubu-Black Lab {deceased in Oct 04}
Girlie-Medium Brown Staffordshire Bull Terrier {deceased in Feb 06}
Maizy-Light Beige Border Collie/German Shepherd/Eskimo Dog {deceased in Dec 05}
Coco-Chocolate Lab {deceased in Dec 05}
Peach-Brown~Black~White Jack Russell Terrier {not deceased, given to a friend}
Ika-Regular coloured Alaskan Husky {not deceased, given to a friend}
Angel-Black~White Catahoula Leopard Dog {not deceased}
Kenseth (Fruity)-Brown~White Catahoula Leopard Dog {not deceased}
[edit] Rodents
Blueberry-Mouse {deceased in 2001}
Redberry-Mouse {deceased in 2001}
Brownie-Guinea Pig {not deceased, given to a friend}
Whitey-Guinea Pig {given to a friend, deceased}
Pepsi-Dwarf Hamster {given to a friend, possibly deceased or confused with Coke}
Coke-Dwarf Hamster {given to a friend, possibly deceased or confused with Pepsi}
Piglett-Skinny Pig {not deceased}
[edit] Favourites
Colour: Gold
Music: Blues, Rock, Pyschedellic, some Techno
Songs: Casey Jones, Who Are You, Jailhouse Rock and Soul Man
Games: The Warriors, Halo and Spy Vs. Spy.
Shows: Saturday Night Live, That's So Raven, and Fairly OddParents
Movies: SNL Music Volume 1, The Warriors, The Blues Brothers, and Blues Brothers 2000.
[edit] Actors/Musicians
[edit] John Belushi
John Belushi was an american actor. John got on this list by being one of the funniest actors I've seen or will see in the future. John passed away in 1982 at the age of 33, from a speedball by mixing a dangerous combination of heroine and cocaine.
[edit] Chris Farley
Chris Farley was an american actor. Chris was on SNL like John Belushi, and made people across the nation laugh. Chris, just like his idol John, passed away at the age of 33 from cocaine and heroine in December of 1997.
[edit] John Lennon/George Harrison
As you should know, John and George were two members of The Beatles. Although the Beatles had only been together for ten years, they made a large change in music. John was shot to death outside of the Dakota, the apartment where John was living in 1980. George had died of lung cancer at a friends house in 2001.
[edit] Quotes
Quotes from different things!
[edit] Boy Meets World
- Eric: You're gonna listen to my views of the world, my look on the universe!
- Dad: I don't think so! *jumps out plane*
- Eric: HEY! I'm talking to you! *jumps out plane*
[edit] Recess
- Mikey: But why would Principal Prickly start a rumour about me though?
- TJ: Who knows Mikey, we're all just marbles in this sinister game of Chinese Checkers.
[edit] That's 70s Show
- (Donna's Job, Radio Station)
- Donna: We're taking requests now, hello, you're on the air
- Girl: Hi I'd like to dedicate (song name) to Eric Foreman, the coolest guy at the Christmas dance!
- Donna: He's still at the dance?
- Girl: Sorry I gotta go, he's telling me about his boat! *hangs up*
- Donna: That sneeky bastard...that sneeky bastard Santa Claus, who's coming here for Christmas! Here's some christmas tunes for you *places record on the player* *presses button to make a bacon sizzle sound* Hear that? That's not bacon, that's me when I kick your ass Foreman!
- Redd: Kitty, I'm really good with kids
- Kitty: Well, now why don't you tell a Christmas story instead of a story which has a firefight?
- Redd: *turns around* Bob, what the hell are you doing in my chair?
- Bob: You're depressing the kids, so I'm the new Santa
- Redd: Get out of my chair or I'll shove a candy cane up your chimney.
- Jackie: Michael, I'm cold... and this is stupid, why can't we just burn the files?
- Kelso: Jackie, they've already been in a fire they can't be destroyed that way!
[edit] The Weekenders
- Lor: Have you seen the World's Funniest Medical Blunders?
- Carver: Once. This guy swallowed his dentures and when the doctors gave him an x-ray, his lungs were smiling back at him.
- (Museum-Doorman Denied Entry)
- Carver: Maybe my friend Washington can help you change your mind...
- Doorman: You're bribing me with a dollar.
- Carver: Actually it's a quarter but it still has Washington on it!
- (Puddingball Finals - Carver/Lor v. Tino/Tish)
- Carver: *imitating Mrs. Dwong over the mike* Attention, would Tino and Tish come to the winners circle, Carver and Lor have forfeit.
- Referee: There's Mrs. Dwong now, let's go settle this prank *referee walks behind a tree and gets hit by puddingballs* What the!
- Lor: Nice plan, Carver.
- Carver: *imitating Mrs. Dwong again* I'm not Carver, I'm Mrs. Dwong!
[edit] 8 Simple Rules
- Carrie: Dad I can't believe you paid Bridget to make me go to the party!
- Kate: You did what?!
- Paul: Kate don't listen to her she's speaking in riddles!
- Friend: Son, it took a large set of plums to say what you just said.
[edit] That's So Raven
- Mr. Baxter: It's okay son you're gonna have a great first day. I packed you a great lunch, kiesh, pesto and pasto sauce.
- Cory: Mmm sounds good Dad all my favourites
- Mr. Baxter: And I packed it in your Kung-Fu Kats lunchbox! *singing tone* Kung-fu kats! Kung-fu kats! Lookin' good and they reowr!
[edit] Dave the Barbarian
- Ms. Bogmelon: T-Shirts! Get your proud to be a loser T-Shirts! We also have *holds up duck* Uhh... uh... noisemakers! *squeezes duck and duck quacks*
- (Chuckles' Lair-Mall of Fabulous Shopping)
- Mecha-Dave: I have been re-programmed Chuckles, to pound you into bacon mist!
- Chuckles: Ewwwww *Mecha-Dave grabs Chuckles by the tail, pulls back with Chuckles' face sucked in, Dave lets go and Chuckles flies into the wall)
- Dave: Chapter 3, Music (Fang is given a Harp)
- Fang: *takes an arrow and uses harp to shoot, arrow flies out the window and flies through the tower bell rope*
- Bell Ringer: Oh dear. *bell falls on ringer*
- Twinkel the Marvel Horse: I had that dream again. Where I did horrible things to penguins with, a croquet mallet.
Some good quotes from SNL
- Announcer 1: It's! The! Hoke! And! Daisy! Showwwwwww!
- Announcer 2: The Hoke & Daisy show was ahead of it's time. It was also a steaming hot bowl of elephant piss. It lasted but one episode.
- (Phil Hartman) as Frank Sinatra: Issue number one, the records with the labels, people getting arrested, what the hell is going on, (turns to Sinead O'Connor) Sinayd O Connor?
- (????) as Sinead O'Connor: Well I think it's a bloody shame that freedom of expression is supressed in this country...
- Frank Sinatra: Yap yap yap
- Frank Sinatra: Next issue, this crap with MTV, the nudity and all, what is this crap? Sinbad O'Connor.
- Frank Sinatra: No you're wrong schoolboy, you don't need to work blue. You'll never play a big room with that crap ask Red Boss, you don't need the blues stuff kid you got talent.
- (Chris Rock) as Luther Campbell: But I don't have any talent!
- Frank Sinatra: You got it kid, listen to me, you got a Ben Karee quality I can't put my finger on it. Take the high road baby.
- Luther Campbell: I swear man I don't got any talent man, I don't got none man! This is all I got, t-tell him man, tell him
- (Sting) as Billy Idol: He's right he sucks.
- Sinead O'Connor: Not talented.
- Frank Sinatra: Next issue, the Bald Chick what's with her head? Let's start with the chick! (Turns to O'Connor), What gives Q-Ball? When I'm lookin' at you I'm thinkin' 14 in the side pocket!
- Frank Sinatra: Issue number four, Milli Vanilli, what is this faggot crap? (turns to O'Connor) Uncle Fester?
- Sinead O'Connor: I don't understand the question.
- Frank Sinatra: I'll tell you what you better understand. Next time you see Old Glory ridin' up that pole you better sing that anthem darlin'. You're lucky you're a chick or else you'd be just a stain on the road and a crew cut. Our founding fathers died for that flag!
- Sinead O' Connor: Ahh that's not my flag I'm Irish.
- Frank Sinatra: Well then stay off of this stuff! (pretends to drink) That's the curse of you people. Billy Idol?
- Billy Idol: Y'know...I forgot the question.
- Frank Sinatra: I'll tell you the question. What's with this devil crap? The black mask and the whole 666 coffin thing? Hey don't think the big man upstairs ain't keepin' score baby. He put you in the penthouse he can kick you down to the gutter with these two!
- Frank Sinatra: Okay next issue, Rita Hayworth or Ava Gardner, who would you rather nail? I disqualify myself cause I done em both!
- Billy Idol: I think you're a bloody stupid ol fart.
- Frank Sinatra: You're all talk buddy, you want a piece of me I'm right here!
- Billy Idol: Oh pevert me old man.
- Frank Sinatra: You don't scare me! I got chunks of guys like you in my stool!
- (Super Smash Bros-Two vs Two) [Enemies are Level 9]
- (COM) Fox: *throws a trap a few steps from Trevor*
- Trevor: I'm coming!!!
- Me: NO! Please don't! *Trevor walks into the trap and blows off the screen*
- Me: So who are you?
- Me: *Whoooooooo are you? Who Who? Who Who?*
- Rogersgirl24: who the hell are u talking to
- Me: I will not answer that question, for I do not know.
- BD: just until
- BD: I get everything perfect
- BD: then im back to training
- Poison: k
- BD: So gimme 50 mil!
- Me: LOL
- Me: HAH, outwitted you once again.
- Kikyo: You always have your just smarter then me.
- Me: Meh.
- Kikyo: Savor the moment your the only one ill admit that to.
- Me: Savour the moment when I kick your ass to the moon.
- (mcfuzzhead conversation)
- Me: Blarg
- Me: AHNJokfasndlas?
- Fuzz: fgargheg
- (mcfuzzhead conversation)
- Fuzz: do you ever stop asking useless questions that don't even actually matter to you?
- Me: That's my purpose in life
- Me: I thought you would of realised that by now
- Fuzz: well i was kinda still holding out for the possibility there was something more fulfilling out there for you but if this is what you truly enjoy then continue
- Me: *sends Cuttin_butter.mp3* Fuzz sent me that
- Me: It's from FUZZ, so watch out
- Gus: LOL
- Mr. FBI: Paint Chips? Oh! You mean wall candy!
- Me: Be right bacj
- Chris: ok
- Me: Backafuda8fua*
- Chris: LOL
- Me: Are you from Kentucky?
- Chris: nope, washington state
- Me: Okay, cause Daniel is a dumb kentucky-ish bastard.
- Chris: LOL
[edit] School
Some quotes from horrid school.
- Ms. Paquette: I'll take you out of your last period class if you have to stay for detention!
- Wiley: You don't know our last period class!
- Ms. Paquette: Oh yes I do.
- Wiley: Are you stalking us?! Do you know where I live?!
- Dakota: *Has just given the definition of biome for the test*
- Michael: *talking loudly*
- Dakota: Michael if you don't shut up I'll slit your throat and throw you in the river!
- Dakota: (To Michael) Your dad never hugged you did he?
- Dakota: Gimme your shish-kabob!
- Michael: What?! I paid for this with my own money!
- Dakota: Nah, you probably stole it from some old lady
- Dakota: Umm, Mr. DiCecca, since that clock is wrong, what time is it?
- Mr. DiCecca: If you look at that clock again I'll tear it off the wall!
[edit] Articles
The articles I've edited and created will be posted below.
[edit] Articles I've edited
- Chris Kattan made a special appearance
- Someone used bad grammar in Trivia & Goofs
- Merged this page (one paragraph) into The Blues Brothers page.
- Herb Sargent's death was in 2005, not 2004
- Someone messed around with the animals featured in the film.
- Added a Controls section for the Xbox version of the game
- Added that Cowboy was a character of a movie and a game, The Warriors.
- Lula was exactly 20,000 years old, not over.
- James starred in 98 media projects, movies, video games and TV shows.
[edit] Articles that I've added
- An American actor, only his career is posted (all that's known)
- An african american actor, only his filmography and external links posted.
A person, who I would like to eat alive if it were not against the law. Jack tried to rate The Warriors Adults Only, making it not be sold to anyone under 18 years of age. Remember: Try to live in a world without a Jack Thompson.
[edit] Userboxes
Below are userboxes. The Jack Thompson one (above), the explosion support and paladins are gay, are the ones I have created.
[edit] Userboxes 1
This user is of French ancestry. |
This user is an art lover. |
This user prefers warm weather. |
[edit] Userboxes 2
This user loves to bowl but would love to get more strikes. |
This user enjoys playing darts. |
This user's future is so bright they have got to wear shades. |
Mmm, userboxes |
This user thinks that more Wikipedians would like userboxes if they were edible. |
This user is being held hostage in a fortune cookie factory! Help! Ooooh.. here's a good one! Confucius says you will be held hostage in a fortune cookie factory. |
[edit] External Links
My Harvest Moon Guide
The Pancho Family page
My Story (In Progress)