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BloggerCon is a user-focused conference for the blogger community. BloggerCon I (October 2003) and II (April 2004), were organized by Dave Winer and friends at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for the Internet and Society in Cambridge, Mass.
Among other things, the first BloggerCon was a catalyst that brought together pioneers in audioblogging and RSS (file format) syndication, with developers whose collective efforts led to the phenomenon that spread under the name podcasting a year later.
BloggerCon III met at Stanford Law School on November 6, 2004. Popular sessions included "Podcasting" with Adam Curry, "Overload" with Robert Scoble, and "Making Money" with Doc Searls.
At BloggerCon I, the first day cost $500.- to attend, followed by a free day. For BloggerCon II and III, there was no registration cost -- voluntary contributions only. BloggerCon is also unusual in its concept of having audience participation sessions, loosely moderated by a discussion leader, rather than formal panels or keynotes.
The event was broadcast with help from and many attendees also participated in an IRC channel.
BloggerCon helped inspire the July 30, 2005 BlogHer conference.